plantuml / plantuml-server

PlantUML Online Server
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Docker image tomcat-v1.2023.7 not working - no Dot executable #290

Closed earthspike closed 1 year ago

earthspike commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug After updating the container image to tomcat (tomcat-v1.2023.7) the version output now states "Error: dot executable does not exist"

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Run the docker file. In my case this is: docker run -d --restart=unless-stopped -p 8080:8080 --name "plantuml" -e BASE_URL=plantuml plantuml/plantuml-server:tomcat
  2. Browse http://hostname:8080/plantuml/uml/AqijAixCpmC0
  3. See error


  1. An error is also shown with testdot

Expected behavior I expect to see the version panel without the error.

Screenshots With version:


With testdot:


Desktop (please complete the following information):

Additional context Container running on Ubuntu 22.04 server with Docker. [It's namespaced under /plantuml because I'm running it behind an Apache reverse proxy. The errors described above are from accessing the container directly, ie bypassing the proxy.]

HansBug commented 1 year ago

The same to me, we I enter the following code (exactly the same as the official example):

skinparam rectangle<<behavior>> {
    roundCorner 25
sprite $bProcess jar:archimate/business-process
sprite $aService jar:archimate/application-service
sprite $aComponent jar:archimate/application-component

rectangle "Handle claim"  as HC <<$bProcess>><<behavior>> #Business
rectangle "Capture Information"  as CI <<$bProcess>><<behavior>> #Business
rectangle "Notify\nAdditional Stakeholders" as NAS <<$bProcess>><<behavior>> #Business
rectangle "Validate" as V <<$bProcess>><<behavior>> #Business
rectangle "Investigate" as I <<$bProcess>><<behavior>> #Business
rectangle "Pay" as P <<$bProcess>><<behavior>> #Business

HC *-down- CI
HC *-down- NAS
HC *-down- V
HC *-down- I
HC *-down- P

CI -right->> NAS
NAS -right->> V
V -right->> I
I -right->> P

rectangle "Scanning" as scanning <<$aService>><<behavior>> #Application
rectangle "Customer admnistration" as customerAdministration <<$aService>><<behavior>> #Application
rectangle "Claims admnistration" as claimsAdministration <<$aService>><<behavior>> #Application
rectangle Printing <<$aService>><<behavior>> #Application
rectangle Payment <<$aService>><<behavior>> #Application

scanning -up-> CI
customerAdministration  -up-> CI
claimsAdministration -up-> NAS
claimsAdministration -up-> V
claimsAdministration -up-> I
Payment -up-> P

Printing -up-> V
Printing -up-> P

rectangle "Document\nManagement\nSystem" as DMS <<$aComponent>> #Application
rectangle "General\nCRM\nSystem" as CRM <<$aComponent>>  #Application
rectangle "Home & Away\nPolicy\nAdministration" as HAPA <<$aComponent>> #Application
rectangle "Home & Away\nFinancial\nAdministration" as HFPA <<$aComponent>>  #Application

DMS .up.|> scanning
DMS .up.|> Printing
CRM .up.|> customerAdministration
HAPA .up.|> claimsAdministration
HFPA .up.|> Payment

legend left
Example from the "Archisurance case study" (OpenGroup).
<$bProcess> :business process
<$aService> : application service
<$aComponent> : application component

It acts like this


I'm using jetty-v1.2023.7. I'm sure this error can only be found in this version.

Based on the test matrix of my project available here, it can be confirmed that this issue only occurs in version v1.2023.7.

kilaebi commented 1 year ago

I found an obvious typo in the below line. I modified this line to apt-get clean && \ and rebuilt container with docker compose, and the application appears to be working fine!

delepster commented 1 year ago

error introduced here:

plz fix this

fgreinacher commented 1 year ago

@arnaudroques I see this is already fixed on master. Would you please create a new patch release? 🙇

earthspike commented 1 year ago

This appears fixed in v1.2023.8 by 080cbaada904d300d4ff7d5fee9d0ee677ff8dea. Thank you!