plantuml / plantuml.js

PlantUML that runs completely on javascript without needing java/servers
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AWSPuml does not seem to work #69

Closed geekyme-fsmk closed 1 year ago

geekyme-fsmk commented 1 year ago

This doesn't seem to work -

@startuml Basic Usage - AWS IoT Rules Engine

!define AWSPuml
!include AWSPuml/AWSCommon.puml
!include AWSPuml/InternetOfThings/IoTRule.puml
!include AWSPuml/Analytics/KinesisDataStreams.puml
!include AWSPuml/ApplicationIntegration/SimpleQueueService.puml

left to right direction

agent "Published Event" as event #fff

IoTRule(iotRule, "Action Error Rule", "error if Kinesis fails")
KinesisDataStreams(eventStream, "IoT Events", "2 shards")
SimpleQueueService(errorQueue, "Rule Error Queue", "failed Rule actions")

event --> iotRule : JSON message
iotRule --> eventStream : messages
iotRule --> errorQueue : Failed action message

sakirtemel commented 1 year ago

instead of !include AWSPuml/AWSCommon.puml, please use !include <awslib/AWSCommon>. The awslib is already in the repo.

closing it as resolved, in case of an issue, please feel free to reopen

@startuml Basic Usage - AWS IoT Rules Engine

!include <awslib/AWSCommon.puml>
!include <awslib/InternetOfThings/IoTRule>
!include <awslib/Analytics/KinesisDataStreams>
!include <awslib/ApplicationIntegration/SimpleQueueService>

left to right direction

agent "Published Event" as event #fff

IoTRule(iotRule, "Action Error Rule", "error if Kinesis fails")
KinesisDataStreams(eventStream, "IoT Events", "2 shards")
SimpleQueueService(errorQueue, "Rule Error Queue", "failed Rule actions")

event --> iotRule : JSON message
iotRule --> eventStream : messages
iotRule --> errorQueue : Failed action message
