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Weekly printscale gives wrong resource percentages #1670

Open kurt-o-sys opened 3 months ago

kurt-o-sys commented 3 months ago

Describe the bug

When describing a gantt chart with resource allocation, and setting the printscale to weekly, the calculated percentages are off by a factor 7 (number of the days in the week :) ). This means the allocation is added, meaning that when assigning 20% of the time for a person, in the weekly printscale, it shows 140%.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Make a gantt chart
  2. Add a task with 20% allocation: [some task] on {BA:20%} requires 1 week
  3. set printscale to weekly
  4. the % time spent for the BA shows 140%

Expected behavior The time spent for the BA is 20%




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