plantuml / plantuml

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getenv() function has stopped working on macOS 14.4.1 using plantuml version 1.2024.3 #1725

Open kdorking opened 1 month ago

kdorking commented 1 month ago

Describe the bug The getenv() function has stopped working. The following statement used to work correctly !$ROOT_DIR = %getenv("SN_DATA_MODEL_DIR")

Now there is no error generated but the getenv() call returns nothing and the variable $ROOT_DIR is not set.

To Reproduce using the following version of PlantUML:

PlantUML version 1.2024.3 (Thu Feb 15 14:40:05 EST 2024) (GPL source distribution) Java Runtime: OpenJDK Runtime Environment JVM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM Default Encoding: UTF-8 Language: en Country: US

and the following test.puml file contents:

@startuml !$ROOT_DIR = %getenv("SN_DATA_MODEL_DIR") !$DATE = %date("yyyy.MM.dd' at 'HH:mm") A -> B :$ROOT_DIR A1 -> B1 :$DATE @enduml

enter the following command: plantuml test.puml

Expected behavior The PNG file produced should have the following on the line going from A to B "/Users/kd353c/workspace-st_nast/tnidm/Data_Models"

Screenshots image

Desktop (please complete the following information):

Additional context I have the same issue when using VSCode PlantUML version 2.18.0 extension

The-Lum commented 3 weeks ago

Hi @kdorking, and all,


If that can help, Regards, Th.

kdorking commented 2 weeks ago

Hi Th,

Setting the security profile had no impact on the problem; the getenv function still does not work. Thanks for the suggestion.

Regards, Keith