plantuml / plantuml

Generate diagrams from textual description
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improve `-help` output #1753

Closed VladimirAlexiev closed 1 week ago

VladimirAlexiev commented 2 weeks ago

@arnaudroques Please change -help to print this improved display. I have edited the doc at to show it:

    -DVAR1=value                    Set a preprocessing variable as if '!define VAR1 value' were used
    -I\path\to\*.puml               Include files with pattern
    -I\path\to\file                 Include file as if '!include file' were used
    -Ppragma1=value                 Set pragma as if '!pragma pragma1 value' were used
    -Sparam1=value                  Set a skin parameter as if 'skinparam param1 value' were used
    -author[s]                      Print information about PlantUML authors
    -charset xxx                    Use a specific charset (default depends on system settings)
    -checkmetadata                  Skip PNG files that don't need to be regenerated
    -checkonly                      Check the syntax of files without generating images
    -computeurl|-encodeurl          Compute the encoded URL of a PlantUML source file
    -cypher                         Cypher texts of diagrams so that you can share them
    -darkmode                       Use dark mode for diagrams
    -debugsvek                      Generate intermediate svek files
    -decodeurl                      Retrieve the PlantUML source from an encoded URL
    -disablestats                   Disable statistics computation (default)
    -duration                       Print the duration of complete diagrams processing
    -e[x]clude pattern              Exclude files that match the provided pattern
    -enablestats                    Enable statistics computation
    -encodesprite 4|8|16[z] "file"  Encode a sprite at gray level (z for compression) from an image
    -extractstdlib                  Extract PlantUML Standard Library into stdlib folder
    -failfast                       Stop processing as soon as a syntax error in diagram occurs
    -failfast2                      Do a first syntax check before processing files, to fail even faster
    -filedir xxx                    Behave as if the PlantUML source is in this dir (only affects '-pipe' and PicoWeb 'POST /render')
    -filename "file.puml"           Override %filename% variable
    -graphvizdot "exe"              Specify dot executable
    -gui [<input-folder>]           Run the graphical user interface
    -h[elp]                         Display this help message
    -htmlstats                      Output general statistics in file plantuml-stats.html
    -language                       Print the list of PlantUML keywords
    -loopstats                      Continuously print statistics about usage
    -metadata                       Retrieve PlantUML sources from PNG images
    -nbthread N                     Use (N) threads for processing
    -nbthread auto                  Use all process cores for processing
    -noerror                        Skip images when error in diagrams
    -nometadata                     To NOT export metadata in PNG/SVG generated files
    -o[utput] "dir"                 Generate images in the specified directory
    -overwrite                      Allow to overwrite read only files
    -p[ipe]                         Use stdin for PlantUML source and stdout for PNG/SVG/EPS generation
    -picoweb                        Start internal HTTP Server. See
    -pipeimageindex N               Generate the Nth image with pipe option
    -preproc                        Output preprocessor text of diagrams
    -printfonts                     Print fonts available on your system
    -progress                       Display a textual progress bar in console
    -quiet                          To NOT print error message into the console
    -realtimestats                  Generate statistics on the fly rather than at the end
    -splash                         Display a splash screen with some progress bar
    -stdlib                         Print standard library info
    -syntax                         Report any syntax error from standard input without generating images
    -teps                           Generate images using EPS format, rendering text as outlines
    -teps:text                      Generate images using EPS format, preserving text as text
    -testdot                        Test the installation of graphviz
    -theme xxx                      Use a specific theme
    -thtml                          Generate HTML file for class diagram (experimental, do not use yet)
    -timeout N                      Processing timeout in (N) seconds. Defaults to 15 minutes (900 seconds).
    -tlatex                         Generate images using LaTeX/Tikz format
    -tlatex:nopreamble              Generate images using LaTeX/Tikz format without preamble
    -tpdf                           Generate images using PDF format
    -tpng                           Generate images using PNG format (default)
    -tscxml                         Generate SCXML file for state diagram
    -tsvg                           Generate images using SVG format
    -ttxt                           Generate images with ASCII art
    -tutxt                          Generate images with ASCII art using Unicode characters
    -tvdx                           Generate images using VDX format
    -txmi                           Generate XMI file for class diagram
    -v[erbose]                      Have log information
    -version                        Display information about PlantUML and Java versions
    -xmlstats                       Output general statistics in file plantuml-stats.xml

Fixes made:

The-Lum commented 1 week ago

See also:

arnaudroques commented 1 week ago

Many thanks for your contributions! This should be published now.

The-Lum commented 1 week ago

Hi all,

It seems missing:


Regards, Th.