plantuml / plantuml

Generate diagrams from textual description
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nwdiag: Unable to use <material/DNS> sprite #1754

Closed jcralbino closed 1 week ago

jcralbino commented 2 weeks ago

Describe the bug When doing this code we don't see the object being show

!include <material/dns>

nwdiag {
node  [ description= "<$dns>"]


When using other sprites this works:

!include <aws/Compute/AmazonVPC/router/router>

nwdiag {
node  [ description= "<$router>"]


To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to plant online server
  2. Use code above

Expected behavior The node will have a different image. The sprite is shown when using this:

!include <material/dns>

generates this: image

Desktop (please complete the following information): PlantUML-server

Additional context Container for PlantUML-server version 1.2024.4 is used

The-Lum commented 1 week ago

Hello @jcralbino, and all,

As the sprite name is ma_dns, then use:

!include <material/dns>

nwdiag {
node  [ description= "<$ma_dns>"]

To see the expected result:

Enjoy, Regards, Th.