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[ELK] allow note on entity fields #1814

Open fchastanet opened 2 weeks ago

fchastanet commented 2 weeks ago

Describe the bug With ELK: Allow notes (or comments) on entity fields.

To Reproduce

!pragma layout elk

entity "<b>tag</b>" as tag << (T, Orange) table >> {
<color:#GoldenRod><&key></color> <b>id</b>
{field} <color:#White><&media-record></color> enumField

note right of tag::enumField #yellow {
  This is not visible in ELK


Expected behavior The note should be displayed

Screenshots Without ELK layout image

With ELK layout image

Desktop (please complete the following information):

Smartphone (please complete the following information): N/A

Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.

Ref. or related issue This bug is similar to this other one

The-Lum commented 2 weeks ago

Hello @fchastanet,

[Just for the record] See also this issue or request:

Regards, Th.