plantuml / plantuml

Generate diagrams from textual description
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Another tables rendering bug #50

Closed MOZGIII closed 1 year ago

MOZGIII commented 7 years ago

This code does not work right:

state X {
  state Y
X: |= header 1 |= header 2 |= header 3 |
X: | //A// | abc | def |
X: | //B// | qwe | |


At the same time, without inner state it works:

state X {
X: |= header 1 |= header 2 |= header 3 |
X: | //A// | abc | def |
X: | //B// | qwe | |


Could you please fix the first case?

arnaudroques commented 7 years ago

This one is one our side : we're going to have a look on this

arnaudroques commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the feedback. This should be ok in last beta:

MOZGIII commented 7 years ago

Great, I'll try it tomorrow.

MOZGIII commented 7 years ago

With this version I have different errors in many of my diagrams, preventing them from building at all. A simple test with table and states in a state works though.

MOZGIII commented 7 years ago

Well, there we really not much errors. However, another problem is introduced: in a component diagram I have a set of macros, which sometimes end up in rendering the same interfaces twice (exact same definition but multiple times, depending on what is needed to be generated). It used to work ok, but now it fails with error saying This element (ElementNameHere) is already defined. This breaks my logic on code organizing. Maybe there is some other way to do what I want, but I'm not familiar with it.

arnaudroques commented 7 years ago

We've made some modification recently to be more strict on redefining elements (see ) But probably we've been too strict here, so we will allow to have interfaces and classes to be defined multiple times.

MOZGIII commented 7 years ago

Oh, I think that change is great, however it should block usage of the same name for different object. If objects are exactly the same, there should be no problem at all with allowing this behavior. My workflow would benefit from this too, as it would allow less silent mistakes, while the whole approach would work.

arnaudroques commented 7 years ago

Should be fixed

aadrian commented 7 years ago

@arnaudroques sorry but why binary in Dropbox? Why don't just just configure PlantUML to publish to Sonatype Snapshots all the time, so that it's built all the time, so you just commit (to github)?

prost3tnik commented 6 years ago

it's the lone "x" ("x1" is good):

namespace X.y {  
hide X.y
cat test.txt | java -jar plantuml.jar -syntax
(2 entities)
namespace A.y {  
hide A.y
(0 entities)

using the current version from

java -jar plantuml.jar -version
PlantUML version 1.2018.01 (Sun Jan 28 19:08:22 CET 2018)

an even more simple example. this one should error:

hide X.y

instead it produces two classes

maybe just document it? oh, and add @startuml/ @enduml tags to .iuml example on the preprocessing page.