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Generate diagrams from textual description
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Which Unicode font? #72

Closed VladimirAlexiev closed 1 year ago

VladimirAlexiev commented 6 years ago

What Unicode font do you use at

this diagram shows fine on your server, but on our installation is missing the 5-digit Unicode chars such as <U+1F552>.

Our setup:

I thought it's a problem with the default encoding but after setting it to UTF-8 we still have the problem.

arnaudroques commented 6 years ago

There is a special command that helps to solve fonts issue. For example, you can try: @startuml listfont This is a test for <U+1F3E2> @enduml This diagram will test all fonts available on your server. On the official server, it gives

So it seems that you need the "Segoe UI Emoji" or "Segoe UI Symbol" font. Hope this helps!

VladimirAlexiev commented 6 years ago

Richer test:

listfonts Unicode test: <U+260F>, <U+00A9>, <U+1F552>, <U+1F3A8>, <U+1F3E2>

I find "Dialog" most readable (and I think this is the default font). But on our linux installation, "Dialog" doesn't have those unicode chars. We'll investigate where to get a richer font.

VladimirAlexiev commented 1 year ago

Here's the first diagram. I want to see how Github renders it:

hide members
hide circles
class appellation as "<U+260F> Appellation"       <<appellation>>
class right       as "<U+00A9> Right"             <<right>>
class activity    as "<U+1F552> Activity"         <<activity>>
class place       as "<U+1F30D> Place"            <<place>>
class artwork     as "<U+1F3A8> Man-Made Object"  <<artwork>>
class museum      as "<U+1F3E2> Legal Entity"     <<museum>>
VladimirAlexiev commented 1 year ago

Hi @arnaudroques! I'm making this diagram and some of the Unicode emojis (that ChatGPT picked for me) don't show on the PlantUML server.

The troublesome characters are:

listfont <U+1F3F7> Domain, <U+1F6E2> Unit, <U+1F527> Property, <U+1F6E0> ClassificationProperty, <U+1F9E9> PropertyRelation

Github shows them fine:

listfont <U+1F3F7> Domain, <U+1F6E2> Unit, <U+1F527> Property, <U+1F6E0> ClassificationProperty, <U+1F9E9> PropertyRelation

The PlantUML server has maybe 5x more fonts, but doesn't show the chars.

So Arnaud, please reopen the issue. Please install some better font resource(s) on the PlantUML server. I'm clueless as to where to find fonts, but I'll ask on Twitter.

VladimirAlexiev commented 1 year ago
VladimirAlexiev commented 1 year ago

I tried to express 3 icons using 3 different styles as per


class "<U+1F3F7> U+1F3F7\n<U+1F527> U+1F527\n<U+1F6E0> U+1F6E0" class "🏷 127991\n🔧 128295\n🛠 128736" class "<:label:> label\n<:wrench:> wrench\n<:hammer_and_wrench:> hammer_and_wrench" @enduml

- [Plantuml SVG]( shows hex and emoji ok
- [PlantUML PNG](  shows emoji ok, but chars are missing from hex
- Decimal chars don't show on any of the platforms. I used the windows calculator in Programmer notation and I think my decimal char codes are correct? Eg `<U+1F3F7> = &#127991;` right @arnaudroques ?


So I'll use the `<:emoji:>` notation, which works for both PNG and SVG output. 
An extra benefit is that emoji are already colored (on the other hand, you cannot recolor them using `<color:colorName>...</color>`).

One can pick emoji from the [emoji cheat sheet]( or the [Unicode full-emoji-list](

I'll update the documentation.
arnaudroques commented 1 year ago

We've just installed "Noto Emoji" on but this is only partially working (see). I don't know why this is not working for Serif and Sans Serif. But I think it just makes your PNG working.

The <:emoji:> notation uses data stored in here and does not use any font: that's why it is working.

Decimal chars don't show on any of the platforms. I used the windows calculator in Programmer notation and I think my decimal char codes are correct? Eg <U+1F3F7> = &#127991; right @arnaudroques ?

Yes, this is probably a bug on our side.

  • Github (PNG preview) shows hex and emoji ok

BTW, I am not aware of any Github/PNG preview: can you post a screenshot about this? Thanks!

VladimirAlexiev commented 1 year ago

example after Noto Emoji is installed. I can see all my chars in there, thanks!! image

Github/PNG preview: can you post a screenshot

Both images above: and are generated by Github. If you hover, you can Copy out the source that I put in Github, but Github is smart enough to show PlantUML source as an image.

BTW, it also reprocesses PlantUML image links to "githubusercontent" image links. Eg is rendered as this image on Github: note the URL is different, and what it shows in Github vs PlantUML server is different:

VladimirAlexiev commented 1 year ago

@arnaudroques shows 1177 files.

arnaudroques commented 1 year ago

@arnaudroques shows 1177 files.

  • But the doc on emoji talks about a much smaller number "Over 580 emojis" and lists 6 Unicode blocks
  • Which is the right number? And maybe there are missing Unicode blocks in the documentation?

Once again, the documentation is not up to date... sorry about that :-) The right number is actually 1174 (and all names are listed here).

VladimirAlexiev commented 1 year ago

I updated the documentation with the new numbers, added a link to Block 27, counts per block, and links between Emoji and Unicode special chars. Pleasure working with you!!!

VladimirAlexiev commented 1 year ago

@arnaudroques Maybe it's not Github but this Chrome addon that does the visualization: image

claudio-salvio commented 1 year ago

Hello @VladimirAlexiev

As far as I know, Github does not render PlantUML code. Surely your diagram view is produced by the Chrome extension that you mention.

I use another extension called "Markdown Diagrams". It is available -at least- for Firefox, Chrome and Edge.

I mentioned this extension in a January 2022 issue because I had been using it for a while and found it very useful. The issue mentioned is [ERD] The size of horizontal lines is not modified according to the number of characters #874, and there you can see a mixture of PlantUML code and images of diagrams.

It seems to me a good practice to include both the code and the image when I get involved in an issue. In fact, if it is a fixed bug, the image will show the situation before the correction and -with the help of the extension- you will be able to see the image of the diagram after the fix.

In my case, since I have the extension active, when I access the mentioned issue I see the duplicate diagrams by default because the problem has not yet been resolved, but if I double click on the images rendered by the addon, it shows the plantuml code.

Kind regards, Claudio Salvio

I💙PlantUML 🙏Thanks to all who make this useful software possible, especially @arnaudroques

VladimirAlexiev commented 10 months ago

Thanks @claudio-salvio, you are right! I use a plugin called "PlantUML Visualizer" (see issue linked above)