plantybot / pitch

Pitch for the plantybot Urban Farming + Chatbot idea
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Which Natural Language Processing platform to use? #7

Open neotheicebird opened 6 years ago

neotheicebird commented 6 years ago

The popular options are (facebooks), (Googles), LEX (Amazons), LUIS (Microsofts), Watson (IBMs)

Which one should we go for? All are either free or has good free plans.

neotheicebird commented 6 years ago

I was aligned with Wit.AI for its simple interface. But as expected by facebook, they change things quickly. Wit today had a deprecation warning for one of their most important functionality called stories. So I wish to take this outta consideration.

neotheicebird commented 6 years ago in the last few months has been acquired by Google and is now completely free. Being the earliest platform to start, and Google being the best in NLP, we can expect awesome service.

Lex is also awesome, I have used it along with a Alexabot

Watson, I would suggest we skip it. For I don't like IBM :P