plasky / OzHF

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Section 3: Scientific Deliverables #4

Open plasky opened 4 years ago

plasky commented 4 years ago

Add issues about Section 3 here

ilyamandel commented 4 years ago
Nangush commented 4 years ago

Clarify Figure 4

nikhil-sarin commented 4 years ago

Focussing specifically on the matter information without commenting on the importance of robustly knowing the fate of the post-merger remnant is making the case for an EMO weaker than it really should be for me. In [1], the authors find that ~10 measurements of a joint EM + cold BNS event i.e more GW170817's is more accurate/comparable than the information from the ~40 candidates with an EMO/A+ network which could make a reader ask why build an EMO when it costs less to build an all-sky optical telescope (might have got the numbers wrong but from memory, GOTO is much cheaper than the costs previously discussed regarding OzHF, similarly Evryscope-like detector costs significantly less too). I am not too certain off the top of my head on what numbers of joint detections these detectors give you but that should be easy to check if required. We may end up in a position where there are ~10 joint EM/BNS by the time an EMO is operational, in which case a reader might ask how useful the cold matter constraints end up being.

The obvious counter to this point which I feel presently appears to be lacking is that having an EMO provides a significantly less subjective interpretation into the nature of the post-merger remnant, this is much less subjective than EM interpretations. This is an important point. The paper as currently written appears to dive straight into the matter implications without emphasising that an EMO is one of the better ways of inferring the nature of the post-merger remnant. Otherwise, If you take [1] at face-value and believe EM interpretations are completely robust then you don't need an EMO to gain information about the cold EOS. You get it from joint observations. We know there are problems with this because EM interpretations are uncertain, but the paper does not make this point.

In reality, an EMO is complementary and alleviates the problem in the analysis in [1] which is the uncertainty in the inferred fate given the current theoretical understanding of EM models. It makes the joint detections more informative! This should be emphasised IMO.


ddobie commented 4 years ago
jade-powell commented 4 years ago
A-Graham commented 4 years ago
Chichisheep commented 4 years ago

My naive two cents here:

plasky commented 4 years ago
* Figure 5: Why is the expected number of detections a non-monotonic function of peak frequency even though the noise curve is monotonic in this frequency range?  Perhaps this would be clear if the reader was told how the mock signals are generated.

@ilyamandel: it's because these are numerical-relativity simulations, so there's a lot more going on in the simulations than just the EOS that gives the peak frequency. But I completely take your point that we need to describe this better in the text!

plasky commented 4 years ago

@ilyamandel, @jade-powell @Chichisheep: Thank you heaps for all your comments! You've all made a similar comment about Fig. 3, that the improved sensitivity in the mass-radius diagram is not overwhelming, and the text is hard to follow. You are all correct, and importantly, there's a mistake that we're fixing now.

In short, we followed the procedure outlined in Fransisco's paper on stacking BNS posteriors to get EOS measurements. In that paper, we found that almost all of the EOS information from the first 40 measurements is going to only come from about 5 or 6 of the loudest of those mergers. So that's what we (naively) did here. Unfortunately, that's not right because the addition of the ExMO means many of the slightly less loud signals will still significantly contribute to the EOS, where they won't for the network without ExMO. This means we were doing ourselves a disservice!! Mea Culpa!!!

Fransisco is heroically working at getting new numbers in the eleventh hour. It's not trivial, because our method for calculation is prohibitively expensive for lots of signals, so we've developed a new way of doing this, which is now coded up and running as we speak.

TL;DR, I'm going to tick off your issues, because the plot is going to change anyway. When it's updated, I'll post here the result! Sorry for all the confusion.

plasky commented 4 years ago
* [ ]  Sec. III B, line 495 "Put another way, one would have to wait potentially many tens of years for a first post-merger detection without an EMO." Marice claims a detection of post-merger and I am inclined to believe that after his visit here.

Thanks again for the comments, @Chichisheep. I assume in the above you're talking about van Putten and Della Valle (2018). This work is very-much disputed, and I personally don't think this the ExMO paper is the place to go against conventional wisdom.

To be more specific, this work by LIGO/Virgo members (arxiv:1812.06724) shows rigorously that the signal morphology found by vP-DV is inconsistent with emission from a neutron star. As part of the 170817 post-merger papers from the LVC, many other sophisticated modeled and unmodeled searches were run on the data looking for this signal, but none were able to find anything.

In addition, there is an entire body of numerical-relativity works going back 15 years that show the expected signal morphology of merger remnants that are in stark disagreement with that found by vP-DV. The gravitational-wave amplitudes of these predictions, also supported by back-of-the-envelope energy-budget arguments, are what we are using when we talk about event rates with and without an EMO. There is a wealth of literature backing up those predictions.

I am more than happy to chat about this more: it is a topic I have done a lot of work on, and I would love nothing more than to finally detect a post-merger remnant.

Chichisheep commented 4 years ago
* [ ]  Sec. III B, line 495 "Put another way, one would have to wait potentially many tens of years for a first post-merger detection without an EMO." Marice claims a detection of post-merger and I am inclined to believe that after his visit here.

Thanks again for the comments, @Chichisheep. I assume in the above you're talking about van Putten and Della Valle (2018). This work is very-much disputed, and I personally don't think this the ExMO paper is the place to go against conventional wisdom.

To be more specific, this work by LIGO/Virgo members (arxiv:1812.06724) shows rigorously that the signal morphology found by vP-DV is inconsistent with emission from a neutron star. As part of the 170817 post-merger papers from the LVC, many other sophisticated modeled and unmodeled searches were run on the data looking for this signal, but none were able to find anything.

In addition, there is an entire body of numerical-relativity works going back 15 years that show the expected signal morphology of merger remnants that are in stark disagreement with that found by vP-DV. The gravitational-wave amplitudes of these predictions, also supported by back-of-the-envelope energy-budget arguments, are what we are using when we talk about event rates with and without an EMO. There is a wealth of literature backing up those predictions.

I am more than happy to chat about this more: it is a topic I have done a lot of work on, and I would love nothing more than to finally detect a post-merger remnant.

Thanks for the reply. I am very interested in this topic. I don't have much background of the expectations for post-mergers and appreciate your comments on that. Hopefully can discuss more about that given chance.

I looked at this problem purely from the point of view of data and algorithms. All I can say is that there is nothing wrong with his method, and there is definitely something post merger. I was trying to reproduce his result but paused due to my leave. This may give me more motivation to finish it. Nevertheless, it requires some computation as searching for a large space of chirplets that may take some time.