plasma-umass / doppio

Breaks the browser language barrier (includes a plugin-free JVM).
MIT License
2.16k stars 174 forks source link does not work #485

Open cool2man opened 7 years ago

cool2man commented 7 years ago

My code looks like:

socket = new Socket(host, port);
streamIn = new BufferedInputStream(socket.getInputStream());
c =;

This results always in c = -1 (EOF). On the server side the connection stays on, NO data is sent to the client.

No more infos for the moment, I will continue to check the situation tomorrow. I opened this issue early to give a chance, to look at this topic in combination with the socket.write() problem that I had submitted before.

cool2man commented 7 years ago

I checked the situation (using a month older version, but I see no essential changes inside java_net.ts, so I expect the same for the current version):

cool2man commented 7 years ago

This is my version of socketRead0 which works well for me:

    public static 'socketRead0(Ljava/io/FileDescriptor;[BIII)I'(thread: JVMThread, javaThis: JVMTypes.java_net_SocketInputStream, fd: JVMTypes.java_io_FileDescriptor, b: JVMTypes.JVMArray<number>, offset: number, len: number, timeout: number): void {
      var impl = <JVMTypes.java_net_PlainSocketImpl> javaThis['java/net/SocketInputStream/impl'];
      if (impl.$is_shutdown === true) {
        thread.throwNewException('Ljava/io/IOException;', 'Socket is shutdown.');
      } else {
        if (impl.$ws.rQlen() > 0) { // check if data already available
          socket_read_async(impl, b, offset, len, (arg: number) => {
        } else {
          var t = 0;
          if (timeout) {
            t = <number><any> setTimeout(() => { // timeout for data polling
              thread.throwNewException('Ljava/net/SocketTimeoutException;', 'Socket timeout.');
            }, timeout);
          impl.$ws.on('message', () => { // fired when data available
            if (t) {
            impl.$ws.on('message', () => {});
            socket_read_async(impl, b, offset, len, (arg: number) => {

A lot of changes were done. This solution is able to run my (home made) web / app server using reverse HTTP connections. One browser session opens up to 5 connections in parallel to the web server which are all running well. For testing purposes I added the use of socket timeout to my implementation, which works also as expected.

jvilk commented 7 years ago

I'm happy that you found a solution that works for you. :)

The sockets_fixed branch works locally on a simple test, but is currently failing on Travis. I'd like to figure out why that is before I enhance it further. If you feel like testing it out, let me know if it works for you!

cool2man commented 7 years ago

I would check the socket_fixed branch, but "npm install" results into error(s). How is this branch installed and build?

semperos commented 7 years ago

Is it the case that creating a socket is only supported in the browser (outside of that sockets_fixed branch)? Looking at this conditional.

cool2man commented 7 years ago

No. This is the case that the socket implementation in general is currently buggy.