plasma-umass / doppio

Breaks the browser language barrier (includes a plugin-free JVM).
MIT License
2.16k stars 174 forks source link

Status of the project? #514

Closed Horcrux7 closed 6 years ago

Horcrux7 commented 6 years ago

A status page with what is working, what is in development and what will never support will be nice.

Also which performance I can expect. How many slower will a app typical on the same hardware?

My current main question is which type of GUI is supported. A console application is nice, but not what people are looking for.

jvilk commented 6 years ago

Hello @Horcrux7,

You can find a list of what is not working in the GItHub issue tracker.

Currently, no GUI interfaces are supported. Someone added JavaFX support to a previous version of Doppio, but no one has put in any effort to port it to the latest master branch. AWT is unsupported because it's infeasible to support without forking it. It may be feasible to support AWT in the future, but nothing is in development at the moment.

At the moment, I am the only maintainer, and have no free time to develop the project in any significant way until I complete my PhD in September. However, I am responsive to pull requests, and would be willing to advise anyone who puts in the effort to make a solid contribution to support any of those items.

Regarding performance, see the evaluation in our academic paper. Expect ~24-42x slowdown over the native HotSpot interpreter on compute-intensive applications. Much of this slowdown has to do with the fact that DoppioJVM lacks a comprehensive JIT, and that it has to emulate multiple threads on top of a single JavaScript thread due to limitations of the browser environment (see paper).

I hope that helps.