plasma-umass / slipcover

Near Zero-Overhead Python Code Coverage
Apache License 2.0
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Console reporting even when saving to json file and other questions #56

Open echoix opened 1 month ago

echoix commented 1 month ago

I'm trying to integrate slipcover instead of a, as takes an already too long 4*35 minutes without coverage (test suite split into 4 CI jobs), to about 45-50+ min without

With slipcover, the times taken are about the same as without coverage, so it's great.

I'll have a couple questions, as I did my best to understand how this tool works, as there isn't a documentation for the project yet, and I tried to follow the couple issues beforehand.

I've been able to upload to codecov, as long as I set the output file name to coverage.json (if it is called .coverage.json, codecov tries to call to merge files as it looks like if it were multiple files created with the parallel option, since it is like the .coverage.* pattern).

So, knowing that there is a way to have a human, tabular report in slipcover, how is it possible to request it to be shown? The relevant function I think is print_coverage located here

Up to now, I wasn't able to see that it in action yet.

It might be related to the logic in the function printit inside atexit here:

Other questions, in no particular order

echoix commented 1 month ago

Sorry if it's a bit unordered, I wrote it on my phone, launching extra CI runs while writing to get more answers

echoix commented 1 month ago

I've did a little PoC for the following:

python -m slipcover --json --out cov_data/slipcover_raytrace_orig.json benchmarks/
python benchmarks/
coverage json --data-file=cov_data/.coverage_raytrace_slipcover -o cov_data/slipcover_raytrace_created.json
python -m coverage run --include=benchmarks/ benchmarks/

The file (benchmarks/

from coverage import CoverageData
import json
from pathlib import Path

def main():
    b = json.load(Path("cov_data/slipcover_raytrace_orig.json").open("r"))
    a = CoverageData("cov_data/.coverage_raytrace_slipcover")

    files_before = b["files"]
    print('b["files"]: ', b["files"])
    line_data = {
        str(Path().joinpath(file).resolve()): data["executed_lines"]
        for file, data in b["files"].items()
    print("line_data: ", line_data)

if __name__ == "__main__":

The json files are the same: image

I'll try with branch coverage enable next.

echoix commented 1 month ago

I didn't end up finishing converting json file with branch coverage yesterday. I ended up that I had to convert a list of lists (pairs) (in the "executed_branches" of each file) to a collection of tuples (it could still remain a list).

But anyways, the format seemed the correct way, so it means the json output of slipcover contains enough info to recreate a coveragepy data file, that allows to fully use's reporting facilities. And thus would allow me to remap paths using's config file and using their commands.