plastikfan / TerminalBuddy

Utility module for Windows Terminal
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write-HostItemDecorator is un-necessarily wrapped #11

Open plastikfan opened 4 years ago

plastikfan commented 4 years ago

write-HostItemDecorator can easily be turned into a script block obviating the need for the wrapper object. I discovered this as a result of perusing as issue on PSScriptAnalyzer (; a comment by @rjmholt illustrates how to do this:

We can use this technique for passing write-HostItemDecorator as a parameter to invoke-ForeachFile, without powershell mistaing it for in an place invocation of the function.

plastikfan commented 4 years ago

Tested with this line:

[scriptblock]$wrapper = [scriptblock]::Create('write-HostItemDecorator')

but powershell still prompts for parameters:

cmdlet write-HostItemDecorator at command pipeline position 1 Supply values for the following parameters:

... so abandon ship for now!