platanus / activeadmin_addons

Extends ActiveAdmin to enable a set of great optional UX improving add-ons
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[BUG] search select filter not filtering results as per input parameters #496

Open sudiptam123 opened 3 months ago

sudiptam123 commented 3 months ago

Describe the bug I am using search select filter as follows using activeadmin: 3.2.0 using activeadmin_addons: 1.10.0 ransack: 4.0.0

filter :domain_id, as: :search_select_filter, url: proc { capability_domains_index_admin_capabilities_path }, fields: %i[key name], display_name: 'name', minimum_input_length: 2, method_model: Domain, order_by: 'name_asc', label: 'Domain'

{"order"=>"name_asc", "q"=>{"groupings"=>{"0"=>{"m"=>"or", "key_contains"=>"jk", "name_contains"=>"jk"}}, "combinator"=>"and"}, "controller"=>"admin/capabilities", "action"=>"capability_domains_index"}

while am not sure what updates were made, but quite surprised to see as to why the parameter formats of :q are being sent this way. This makes it difficult to pass the parameters to the model level as "Domain.ransack(params[:q]).result" would simply result in selecting all the models and hence the parameters are not taken into consideration at the backend query at all. Pls suggest if there's any alternative or any other ways to mitigate this.

This was working earlier with activeadmin 2.7 version though. After upgrade the functionality seems to have been a break

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to 'Domain' filter
  2. Click on 'search select filter and type atleast 2 texts'
  3. Filter is listing down all results irrespective of search inputs being applied.
  4. See error

Include either code to reproduce, or a link to a repo with the problem.

Expected behavior Filtering should bring down results for those domains which contains the specified input in either name or key attribute(both are strings)

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.

jnvillar commented 1 month ago

+1 can't make it work