platanus / our-boxen

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Failed for leandro #413

Closed ldlsegovia closed 7 years ago

ldlsegovia commented 7 years ago

Running on Leandros-MacBook-Pro.local (OS X 10.12) under /opt/boxen/homebrew/bin/zsh, version 18a059402bf7cbe0e0d48558d31e0788c0f65657 (compare to master).

Puppet Command

/opt/boxen/repo/bin/puppet apply --group admin --confdir /tmp/boxen/puppet/conf --vardir /tmp/boxen/puppet/var --libdir /opt/boxen/repo/lib --libdir /opt/boxen/repo/.bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/boxen-2.9.0/lib --modulepath /opt/boxen/repo/modules:/opt/boxen/repo/shared --hiera_config /opt/boxen/repo/config/hiera.yaml --logdest /opt/boxen/repo/log/boxen.log --logdest console --no-report --detailed-exitcodes --show_diff /opt/boxen/repo/manifests

Output (from /opt/boxen/repo/log/boxen.log)

2017-02-13 02:26:04 -0300 Puppet (err): Unable to set ownership of log file
2017-02-13 02:26:12 -0300 Puppet (notice): Compiled catalog for leandros-macbook-pro.local in environment production in 4.58 seconds
2017-02-13 02:26:17 -0300 /Stage[main]/Osx::Dock::Clear_dock/Boxen::Osx_defaults[Remove all the pinned icons]/Exec[osx_defaults write>()]/returns (notice): executed successfully
2017-02-13 02:26:18 -0300 /Stage[main]/Osx::Dock/Exec[killall Dock] (notice): Triggered 'refresh' from 1 events
2017-02-13 02:36:59 -0300 /Stage[main]/Boxen::Personal/Package[postgis]/ensure (notice): ensure changed '2.2.2' to '2.3.2'
2017-02-13 02:36:59 -0300 /Stage[main]/Postgresql::Service/Exec[kill-stale-postgres-pidfile]/returns (notice): executed successfully
2017-02-13 02:37:29 -0300 Puppet (err): Command exceeded timeout
Wrapped exception:
execution expired
2017-02-13 02:37:29 -0300 /Stage[main]/Postgresql::Service/Exec[wait-for-postgresql]/returns (err): change from notrun to 0 failed: Command exceeded timeout
2017-02-13 02:39:18 -0300 Puppet (err): Could not update: Execution of 'brew boxen-install ant' returned 1: ant: Java 1.8+ is required to install this formula.JavaRequirement unsatisfied!

You can install with Homebrew-Cask:
  brew cask install java

You can download from:
Error: An unsatisfied requirement failed this build.
Wrapped exception:
Execution of 'brew boxen-install ant' returned 1: ant: Java 1.8+ is required to install this formula.JavaRequirement unsatisfied!

You can install with Homebrew-Cask:
  brew cask install java

You can download from:
Error: An unsatisfied requirement failed this build.
2017-02-13 02:39:18 -0300 /Stage[main]/Boxen::Personal/Package[ant]/ensure (err): change from 1.9.7 to 1.10.1 failed: Could not update: Execution of 'brew boxen-install ant' returned 1: ant: Java 1.8+ is required to install this formula.JavaRequirement unsatisfied!

You can install with Homebrew-Cask:
  brew cask install java

You can download from:
Error: An unsatisfied requirement failed this build.
2017-02-13 02:39:26 -0300 Puppet (warning): The /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ plist does not contain a 'label' key; Puppet is skipping it
ldlsegovia commented 7 years ago

Succeeded at version a45f4e89aa68b4c5771f0a8097f5938caff60ad6.