Closed difernandez closed 3 years ago
like this, It is clearer to read.Style/RedundantFileExtensionInRequire
not important as you say.Lint/MissingSuper
Like the first case. I don't understand the last one.Style/OptionalBooleanParameter
mmm I don't know why just with boolean values.Style/CombinableLoops
. LikeLint/HashCompareByIdentity
. I think it's about this. Like it
The following rules are new and enabled by default with this change:
New rules
``` Style/SlicingWithRange: Description: 'Checks array slicing is done with endless ranges when suitable.' Layout/EmptyLinesAroundAttributeAccessor: Description: "Keep blank lines around attribute accessors." Lint/DeprecatedOpenSSLConstant: Description: "Don't use algorithm constants for `OpenSSL::Cipher` and `OpenSSL::Digest`." Style/RedundantRegexpCharacterClass: Description: 'Checks for unnecessary single-element Regexp character classes.' Style/RedundantRegexpEscape: Description: 'Checks for redundant escapes in Regexps.' Lint/MixedRegexpCaptureTypes: Description: 'Do not mix named captures and numbered captures in a Regexp literal.' Style/RedundantFetchBlock: Description: >- Use `fetch(key, value)` instead of `fetch(key) { value }` when value has Numeric, Rational, Complex, Symbol or String type, `false`, `true`, `nil` or is a constant. Style/AccessorGrouping: Description: 'Checks for grouping of accessors in `class` and `module` bodies.' Style/BisectedAttrAccessor: Description: >- Checks for places where `attr_reader` and `attr_writer` for the same method can be combined into single `attr_accessor`. Style/RedundantAssignment: Description: 'Checks for redundant assignment before returning.' Lint/DuplicateElsifCondition: Description: 'Do not repeat conditions used in if `elsif`.' Style/CaseLikeIf: Description: 'This cop identifies places where `if-elsif` constructions can be replaced with `case-when`.' Style/HashAsLastArrayItem: Description: >- Checks for presence or absence of braces around hash literal as a last array item depending on configuration. Style/HashLikeCase: Description: >- Checks for places where `case-when` represents a simple 1:1 mapping and can be replaced with a hash lookup. Style/RedundantFileExtensionInRequire: Description: >- Checks for the presence of superfluous `.rb` extension in the filename provided to `require` and `require_relative`. Lint/DuplicateRescueException: Description: 'Checks that there are no repeated exceptions used in `rescue` expressions.' Lint/EmptyConditionalBody: Description: 'This cop checks for the presence of `if`, `elsif` and `unless` branches without a body.' Lint/FloatComparison: Description: 'Checks for the presence of precise comparison of floating point numbers.' Lint/MissingSuper: Description: >- This cop checks for the presence of constructors and lifecycle callbacks without calls to `super`'. Lint/OutOfRangeRegexpRef: Description: 'Checks for out of range reference for Regexp because it always returns nil.' Lint/SelfAssignment: Description: 'Checks for self-assignments.' Lint/TopLevelReturnWithArgument: Description: 'This cop detects top level return statements with argument.' Lint/UnreachableLoop: Description: 'This cop checks for loops that will have at most one iteration.' Style/ExplicitBlockArgument: Description: >- Consider using explicit block argument to avoid writing block literal that just passes its arguments to another block. Style/GlobalStdStream: Description: 'Enforces the use of `$stdout/$stderr/$stdin` instead of `STDOUT/STDERR/STDIN`.' Style/OptionalBooleanParameter: Description: 'Use keyword arguments when defining method with boolean argument.' Style/SingleArgumentDig: Description: 'Avoid using single argument dig method.' Style/SoleNestedConditional: Description: >- Finds sole nested conditional nodes which can be merged into outer conditional node. Style/StringConcatenation: Description: 'Checks for places where string concatenation can be replaced with string interpolation.' Lint/DuplicateRequire: Description: 'Check for duplicate `require`s and `require_relative`s.' Lint/EmptyFile: Description: 'Enforces that Ruby source files are not empty.' Lint/TrailingCommaInAttributeDeclaration: Description: 'This cop checks for trailing commas in attribute declarations.' Lint/UselessMethodDefinition: Description: 'Checks for useless method definitions.' Style/CombinableLoops: Description: >- Checks for places where multiple consecutive loops over the same data can be combined into a single loop. Style/KeywordParametersOrder: Description: 'Enforces that optional keyword parameters are placed at the end of the parameters list.' Style/RedundantSelfAssignment: Description: 'Checks for places where redundant assignments are made for in place modification methods.' Layout/BeginEndAlignment: Description: 'Align ends corresponding to begins correctly.' Lint/ConstantDefinitionInBlock: Description: 'Do not define constants within a block.' Lint/IdentityComparison: Description: 'Prefer `equal?` over `==` when comparing `object_id`.' Lint/UselessTimes: Description: 'Checks for useless `Integer#times` calls.' Lint/HashCompareByIdentity: Description: 'Prefer using `Hash#compare_by_identity` than using `object_id` for keys.' Lint/RedundantSafeNavigation: Description: 'Checks for redundant safe navigation calls.' Style/ClassEqualityComparison: Description: 'Enforces the use of `Object#instance_of?` instead of class comparison for equality.' ```Looking at them, in general it seems to me that they wouldn't affect the way we work much. I think we could leave them enabled, but I would appreciate other opinions on this. There are a couple rules in particular I have doubts and I would like to know what you think:
as being too superior to case-whensuper
in a class without any parent, that confused meCloses #336