Potassium-generated apps, like any other web app, rely on environment variables. Typically, these variables are accessed through class constants. However, this approach can lead to certain issues:
In some cases, an environment variable may be relevant to a group of classes rather than a single one. In such cases, it can be challenging to determine where to define the constant, resulting in it being placed arbitrarily in a class.
Since the constant's value is loaded when the class is defined, it can be difficult to mock it using RSpec.
What has been done
A dedicated module for environment variables has been created. The benefits of this are:
Centralized location: all environment variables and their constants are now located in a single module, eliminating the need to arbitrarily choose a class to define them in.
Enhanced functionality: by using methods, it becomes possible to format or process environment variables as needed. This is a common requirement, given that environment variables are always strings.
Improved testability: by using methods, the environment variables are evaluated at runtime. This makes it easier to mock the constants containing them during testing.
Added an environment variables module file to Potassium's assets
Created a recipe for this new module, including tests
Potassium-generated apps, like any other web app, rely on environment variables. Typically, these variables are accessed through class constants. However, this approach can lead to certain issues:
What has been done
Summary: A dedicated module for environment variables has been created. The benefits of this are: