platformio / platform-atmelavr

Atmel AVR: development platform for PlatformIO
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Building project with MegaCore no longer works #251

Open gudnimg opened 3 years ago

gudnimg commented 3 years ago

I have tried with both ATmega2560 and ATmega2561.

This has never been a problem before.


gudnimg commented 3 years ago

Here is my .ini file for one of my projects. It can be used to reproduce.

platform = atmelavr
framework = arduino
monitor_speed = 115200

board_build.f_cpu = 16000000L        ; 16MHz CPU frequency
board_hardware.uart = uart0          ; For Bootloader
board_hardware.oscillator = external ; External 16MHz crystal

upload_flags = -Pusb

build_flags =
    -Wunused-parameter ; Turn on compiler warning when functions have unused parameters

board = ATmega2561
board_build.mcu = atmega2561

board = ATmega2560
board_build.mcu = atmega2560
gudnimg commented 3 years ago

I can reproduce the problem:

platform = atmelavr@3.2.0 does not work

platform = atmelavr@3.1.0 works

gudnimg commented 3 years ago

If I revert line 78 here it works. Maybe something was missing when MegaCore was updated?

gudnimg commented 3 years ago

@valeros @MCUdude I'm thinking that maybe its best to include MegaCore specific MCUs in the example.yml to catch the build errors earlier?

gudnimg commented 3 years ago

Ok I looked more into the Github pipeline. There is one MegaCore MCU there and compiles fine. I installed Python 3.7.9 (pipeline uses 3.7.10) and I reinstalled PlatformIO... then the build worked fine. I had Python 3.9.1 before.

Now I've reinstalled 3.9.1 and I am getting this VS Code or SCons error:


But then when I try to reproduce this more by reinstalling PIO again without changing the Python installation I get no error. I'm so confused 😅 Will close this for now and reopen if I learn more.

gudnimg commented 3 years ago

The issue appeared again on another machine. Adding SPI to platformio.ini does not work as shown in the image below... image

valeros commented 3 years ago

Have you tried to explicitly specify the SPI library as a dependency in lib_deps?

gudnimg commented 3 years ago

Have you tried to explicitly specify the SPI library as a dependency in lib_deps?

Yes I get the same results. You can see the Library Manager trying to install SPI in the image above. If I try to install SPI with a fresh platformio install I get a similar yellow text which says SPI library cannot be found for windows-amd64. Seems to install OK with the atmelavr framework though.

For reference I did it like this:

lib_deps =
     ; ... more libraries below
valeros commented 3 years ago

Could you please put together a simple project to reproduce the issue?

gudnimg commented 3 years ago

@valeros here:

I get this result on my end. I created an Arduino Mega project and only changed the platformio.ini file.


If you can't reproduce this try one thing I did:

  1. Install Python 3.9.1 and add it to PATH
  2. delete .platformio folder and open vscode.
  3. try to build project

I seem to be able to bypass this error when my machine has Python 3.7.9 installed.

valeros commented 3 years ago

It's strange, but I cannot reproduce the issue, tried your project with Python 3.9.1 and everything works just fine. Could you please run pio system info in your terminal?

gudnimg commented 3 years ago

Result from two different computers:

Computer 1 (it reproduces problem): image

Computer 2 (it reproduces problem): image

I have one more computer, will test it quickly and report here if it can reproduce it


I cannot reproduce this on the third computer:


valeros commented 3 years ago

That's super weird. Let's focus on machines where it doesn't work. Do you see the Wire library somewhere here c:\Users\Gudni\.platformio\packages\framework-arduino-avr-megacore\libraries\?

gudnimg commented 3 years ago

Hmm the folder on the machines where it doesn't work just looks like this: image

valeros commented 3 years ago

Apparently, the framework-arduino-avr-megacore package is broken for some reason. Does it always look like that even when you delete the c:\Users\Gudni\.platformio folder and try again?

gudnimg commented 3 years ago

I get it to work sometimes but sometimes not. I found one way to trigger the issue when it was working.

I deleted the folder framework-arduino-avr-megacore then hit Clean and PIO will show me the progress of installing framework-arduino-avr-megacore again. I then hit Build and issue returns.

This issue is really slowing things down to test this hehe

Edit: The Clean method I described above doesn't seem to always reproduce.

valeros commented 3 years ago

Do you have an antivirus by any chance?

gudnimg commented 3 years ago

No only Windows Defender, its never been a problem for me.

valeros commented 3 years ago

Something is messing with the PlatformIO packages on your machines and I'm guessing it's Windows Defender. Try to create an exclusion for c:\Users\Gudni\.platformio and then delete this folder to force PlatformIO redownload all packages.

gudnimg commented 3 years ago

@valeros I noticed that PlatformIO plugins installs framework-arduino-avr-megacore folder when reinstalling the .platformio folder. I see no installation progress and it seems to occur while this issue takes places: platformio/platformio-vscode-ide#2506. If I restart VScode while this is happening, that seems to be enough to trigger the issue.

gudnimg commented 3 years ago

Looking at the Console... could this be an issue? image

MCUdude commented 3 years ago

I'm not sure if it's relevant or not, but I was not able to get the example project @GunZi200 provided when platformio.ini looked like this. Identical error to this one:

platform = atmelavr
board = ATmega2560
framework = arduino

; Libraries
lib_deps =
     Wire ; Real-time clock library

lib_ignore = TinyWireM

However, if I changed the library dependent to this, it worked:

platform = atmelavr
board = ATmega2560
framework = arduino

; Libraries
lib_deps =
     adafruit/RTClib @ 1.13.0

lib_ignore = TinyWireM
valeros commented 3 years ago

@GunZi200 I believe it has nothing to do with this issue because your system contains broken framework package.

gudnimg commented 3 years ago

I think I have a solution...

Reproduction steps to make it work:

  1. Open VScode
  2. Find the folder .platformio\packages\framework-arduino-avr-megacore and delete it
  3. Keep the folder .platformio\packages open
  4. Now reload VScode window Ctrl + Shift + P -> Developer: Reload Window
  5. PlatformIO: Rebuilding IntelliSense Index starts.
  6. Notice how the framework-arduino-avr-megacore starts with content:


  1. Now wait for PlatformIO: Rebuilding IntelliSense Index to finish in VScode an notice how the remaining content in folder framework-arduino-avr-megacore appears ~30 seconds later.


Build from this point works for me on all machines.

If I for some reason reload VScode in step 6 the issue appears and the package is broken. I can consistently reproduce this.

valeros commented 3 years ago


If I for some reason reload VScode in step 6 the issue appears and the package is broken. I can consistently reproduce this.

If you do that, you will kill the platformio-core process that's running in background, which can lead to unpredictable side effects. In your case, I believe, you interrupted the process when PlatformIO was unpacking the framework-arduino-avr-megacore package and leaving it in a corrupted state.