Closed ghost closed 7 years ago
Could you try?
platform = atmelavr
framework = arduino
board = attiny85
upload_protocol = stk500v1
upload_flags = -P$UPLOAD_PORT -b$UPLOAD_SPEED
upload_port = /dev/ttyUSB0
upload_speed = 19200
lib_deps = RadioHead
lib_ignore = SPI
build_flags = -DARDUINO_ARCH_AVR
Thanks for your reply, I've tried it but it did not help. The error stays the same.
I had so many issues with platformio that I moved back to the Arduino IDE so I close this issue since I cannot test it anymore.
pio run --verbose
You can compare 2 build processes (flags). Please share them on
I don't see a problem why it can't work with PIO too.
The RadioHead library does not work with ATTiny85 with protocol stk500v1. This works from Arduino IDE.
These settings do not build. They fail over
RadioHead_ID124/RH_RF24.cpp:413:3: error: 'Serial' was not declared in this scope
With these settings it builds, is also an ATTiny85 but an other board with built-in USB and more.
While these settings for the digispark work, uploading to my ATTiny85 is not possible because I use stk500v1 and the digispark some USB connection. So I cannot trick it into building and uploading to my ATTiny85 using digispark settings.
It looks like the RadioHead library does not recognize the board identifier supplied by platformio and therefore sets variables to settings the ATTiny85 cannot handle. However, I do not know how to compare the identifiers used by Arduino IDE and platformio.