platformio / platform-atmelmegaavr

Atmel megaAVR: development platform for PlatformIO
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MegaCoreX dynamic fuses and bootloader #9

Closed MCUdude closed 4 years ago

MCUdude commented 4 years ago

Hi! After you @valeros released the latest atmelmegaavr package I started working on the fuses/bootloader script, and it wasn't that much work really. As mentioned earlier, I am NOT a (professional) Python programmer. The scrips work, but they are probably terrible because I'm happy as long as they just do what I want.

First, here is the fuses script I've come up with:

```py import sys import os from SCons.Script import ARGUMENTS, COMMAND_LINE_TARGETS, Import, Return Import("env") def get_WDTCFG_fuse(): return 0x00 def get_BODCFG_fuse(bod): if bod == "4.3v": return 0xF4 elif bod == "2.6v": return 0x54 elif bod == "1.8v": return 0x14 else: # bod disabled return 0x00 def get_OSCCFG_fuse(f_cpu, oscillator): if (f_cpu == "20000000L" or f_cpu == "10000000L" or f_cpu == "5000000L") and oscillator == "internal": return 0x02 else: return 0x01 def get_TCD0CFG_fuse(): return 0x00 def get_SYSCFG0_fuse(eesave, rstpin, uart): eesave_bit = 1 if eesave == "yes" else 0 if rstpin == "gpio": if uart == "no_bootloader": rstpin_bit = 0 else: rstpin_bit = 1 else: rstpin_bit = 1 return 0xC0 | rstpin_bit << 3 | eesave_bit def get_SYSCFG1_fuse(): return 0x06 def get_APPEND_fuse(): return 0x00 def get_BOOTEND_fuse(uart): if uart == "no_bootloader": return 0x00 else: return 0x02 def get_LOCKBIT_fuse(): return 0xC5 def print_fuses_info(fuse_values, fuse_names, lock_fuse): print("\nSelected fuses:") print("------------------------") for idx, value in enumerate(fuse_values): if value: print("[fuse%d / %s = 0x%s]" % (idx, fuse_names[idx], value)) if lock_fuse: print("[lfuse / LOCKBIT = %s]" % lock_fuse) print("------------------------\n") board = env.BoardConfig() platform = env.PioPlatform() core = board.get("build.core", "") target = ( board.get("build.mcu").lower() if board.get("build.mcu", "") else env.subst("$BOARD").lower() ) fuses_section = "fuse_values" if "bootloader" in COMMAND_LINE_TARGETS or "UPLOADBOOTCMD" in env: fuses_section = "bootloader" board_fuses = board.get(fuses_section, {}) # Note: the index represents the fuse number fuse_values = [ board_fuses.get("WDTCFG", ""), board_fuses.get("BODCFG", ""), board_fuses.get("OSCCFG", ""), "", # reserved board_fuses.get("TCD0CFG", ""), board_fuses.get("SYSCFG0", ""), board_fuses.get("SYSCFG1", ""), board_fuses.get("APPEND", ""), board_fuses.get("BOOTEND", ""), ] fuse_names = ( "WDTCFG ", "BODCFG ", "OSCCFG ", " ", "TCD0CFG", "SYSCFG0", "SYSCFG1", "APPEND ", "BOOTEND", "LOCKBIT" ) lock_fuse = board_fuses.get("LOCKBIT", "0xC5") if not board_fuses and "FUSESFLAGS" not in env and core not in ("MegaCoreX"): sys.stderr.write( "Error: Dynamic fuses generation for %s / %s is not supported." " Please specify fuses in platformio.ini\n" % (target, env.subst("$BOARD")) ) env.Exit(1) if core in ("MegaCoreX"): f_cpu = board.get("build.f_cpu", "16000000L").upper() oscillator = board.get("hardware.oscillator", "internal").lower() bod = board.get("hardware.bod", "2.6v").lower() uart = board.get("hardware.uart", "no_bootloader").lower() eesave = board.get("hardware.eesave", "yes").lower() rstpin = board.get("hardware.rstpin", "reset").lower() # Guard that prevents the user from turning the reset pin # into a GPIO while using a bootloader if uart != "no_bootloader": rstpin = "reset" print("\nTARGET CONFIGURATION:") print("------------------------") print("Target = %s" % target) print("Clock speed = %s" % f_cpu) print("Oscillator = %s" % oscillator) print("BOD level = %s" % bod) print("Save EEPROM = %s" % eesave) print("Reset pin mode = %s" % rstpin) print("------------------------") fuse_values[0] = fuse_values[0] or '%.2X' % get_WDTCFG_fuse() fuse_values[1] = fuse_values[1] or '%.2X' % get_BODCFG_fuse(bod) fuse_values[2] = fuse_values[2] or '%.2X' % get_OSCCFG_fuse(f_cpu, oscillator) fuse_values[4] = fuse_values[4] or '%.2X' % get_TCD0CFG_fuse() fuse_values[5] = fuse_values[5] or '%.2X' % get_SYSCFG0_fuse(eesave, rstpin, uart) fuse_values[6] = fuse_values[6] or '%.2X' % get_SYSCFG1_fuse() fuse_values[7] = fuse_values[7] or '%.2X' % get_APPEND_fuse() fuse_values[8] = fuse_values[8] or '%.2X' % get_BOOTEND_fuse(uart) env.Append( FUSESUPLOADER="avrdude", FUSESUPLOADERFLAGS=[ "-p", "$BOARD_MCU", "-C", '"%s"' % os.path.join(env.PioPlatform().get_package_dir( "tool-avrdude-megaavr") or "", "avrdude.conf"), ], SETFUSESCMD="$FUSESUPLOADER $FUSESUPLOADERFLAGS $UPLOAD_FLAGS $FUSESFLAGS", ) env.Append( FUSESFLAGS=[ "-Ufuse%d:w:0x%s:m" % (idx, value) for idx, value in enumerate(fuse_values) if value ] ) if lock_fuse: env.Append(FUSESFLAGS=["-Ulock:w:%s:m" % lock_fuse]) if int(ARGUMENTS.get("PIOVERBOSE", 0)): env.Append(FUSESUPLOADERFLAGS=["-v"]) if not env.BoardConfig().get("upload", {}).get("require_upload_port", False): # upload methods via USB env.Append(FUSESUPLOADERFLAGS=["-P", "usb"]) else: env.AutodetectUploadPort() env.Append(FUSESUPLOADERFLAGS=["-P", '"$UPLOAD_PORT"']) if env.subst("$UPLOAD_PROTOCOL") != "custom": env.Append(FUSESUPLOADERFLAGS=["-c", "$UPLOAD_PROTOCOL"]) else: print( "Warning: The `custom` upload protocol is used! The upload and fuse flags may " "conflict!\nMore information: " "" "#overriding-default-fuses-command\n" ) print_fuses_info(fuse_values, fuse_names, lock_fuse) fuses_action = env.VerboseAction("$SETFUSESCMD", "Setting fuses...") Return("fuses_action") ```

Note that many of the functions are empty and only return a constant. This is on purpose so it's easier to extend the functionality later (other megaavr cores etc.).

Here is the bootloader script:

```py # Copyright 2019-present PlatformIO # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import sys import os from SCons.Script import Import, Return Import("env") board = env.BoardConfig() platform = env.PioPlatform() core = board.get("build.core", "") def get_suitable_optiboot_binary(framework_dir, board_config): uart = board_config.get("hardware.uart", "no_bootloader").upper() if uart == "UART0": uart = "UART0_DEF" elif uart == "UART1": uart = "UART1_DEF" elif uart == "UART2": uart = "UART2_DEF" elif uart == "UART3": uart = "UART3_DEF" bootloader_led = board_config.get("bootloader.led_pin", "A7").upper() bootloader_speed = board_config.get("bootloader.speed", env.subst("$UPLOAD_SPEED")) bootloader_file = "Optiboot_mega0_%s_%s_%s.hex" % ( uart, bootloader_speed, bootloader_led) bootloader_path = os.path.join( framework_dir, "bootloaders", "optiboot", "bootloaders", "mega0", bootloader_speed, bootloader_file ) return bootloader_path framework_dir = "" if env.get("PIOFRAMEWORK", []): framework_dir = platform.get_package_dir(platform.frameworks[env.get( "PIOFRAMEWORK")[0]]["package"]) # # Bootloader processing # bootloader_path = board.get("bootloader.file", "") if core == "MegaCoreX": if not os.path.isfile(bootloader_path): bootloader_path = get_suitable_optiboot_binary(framework_dir, board) else: if not os.path.isfile(bootloader_path): bootloader_path = os.path.join(framework_dir, "bootloaders", bootloader_path) if not board.get("bootloader", {}): sys.stderr.write("Error: missing bootloader configuration!\n") env.Exit(1) if not os.path.isfile(bootloader_path): bootloader_path = os.path.join(framework_dir, "bootloaders", bootloader_path) if board.get("hardware.uart", "no_bootloader").lower() == "no_bootloader": sys.stderr.write("Error: board_hardware.bootloader = no bootloader selected! \n") env.Exit(1) if not os.path.isfile(bootloader_path) and "BOOTFLAGS" not in env: sys.stderr.write("Error: Couldn't find bootloader image %s\n" % bootloader_path) env.Exit(1) env.Append( BOOTUPLOADER="avrdude", BOOTUPLOADERFLAGS=[ "-p", "$BOARD_MCU", "-C", '"%s"' % os.path.join(env.PioPlatform().get_package_dir( "tool-avrdude-megaavr") or "", "avrdude.conf"), ], BOOTFLAGS=['-Uflash:w:"%s":i' % bootloader_path], UPLOADBOOTCMD="$BOOTUPLOADER $BOOTUPLOADERFLAGS $UPLOAD_FLAGS $BOOTFLAGS", ) if not env.BoardConfig().get("upload", {}).get("require_upload_port", False): # upload methods via USB env.Append(BOOTUPLOADERFLAGS=["-P", "usb"]) else: env.AutodetectUploadPort() env.Append(FUSESUPLOADERFLAGS=["-P", '"$UPLOAD_PORT"']) if env.subst("$UPLOAD_PROTOCOL") != "custom": env.Append(BOOTUPLOADERFLAGS=["-c", "$UPLOAD_PROTOCOL"]) else: print( "Warning: The `custom` upload protocol is used! The upload and fuse flags may " "conflict!\nMore information: " "" "#overriding-default-bootloader-command\n" ) fuses_action = env.SConscript("", exports="env") bootloader_actions = [ fuses_action, env.VerboseAction("$UPLOADBOOTCMD", "Uploading bootloader"), ] Return("bootloader_actions") ```

I removed the board_bootloard.pinsparameter to make the setup procedure more similar to my other cores. You can instead use board_hardware.uart = uart0 #or uart0_def or uart0_alt

There are some minor issues we need to work out though.

platform = atmelmegaavr
framework = arduino
board = ATmega3209
board_build.f_cpu = 16000000L
board_hardware.bod = 4.3v
board_build.variant = 48pin-standard
upload_protocol = arduino
upload_port = /dev/cu.usbserial-1420
$ pio run -t upload -e ATmega3209_optiboot -v
avrdude -v -p atmega3209 -C "/Users/hans/.platformio/packages/tool-avrdude-megaavr/avrdude.conf" -c arduino -b 115200 -P usb -U flash:w:.pio/build/ATmega3209_optiboot/firmware.hex:i


         Using Port                    : usb
         Using Programmer              : arduino
         Overriding Baud Rate          : 115200
avrdude: ser_open(): can't open device "usb": No such file or directory

avrdude done.  Thank you.

*** [upload] Error 1

However, Modifying the file by replacing line 200 - 203 with the following code works:

    # jtag2updi and arduino are the only protocols that requires serial port
    if upload_protocol == "jtag2updi":
        upload_options = env.BoardConfig().get("upload", {})
        for opt in ("require_upload_port", "use_1200bps_touch", "wait_for_upload_port"):
            upload_options[opt] = True
    elif upload_protocol == "arduino":
        upload_options = env.BoardConfig().get("upload", {})
        upload_options["require_upload_port"] = True
        upload_options["use_1200bps_touch"] = False
        upload_options["wait_for_upload_port"] = False

Note that I've added the -D flag because this is required if you're using the arduino protocol. If not, you're getting an erase error.

MCUdude commented 4 years ago

@valeros any thoughts?

valeros commented 4 years ago

Hi @MCUdude ! I've pushed your development with slight modification, including fixes for the issues your specified above. It'd be great if you could test new functionality using the platform for dev branch. Thanks!

MCUdude commented 4 years ago

I'm not completely done testing, since there are some issues that are preventing me. First, I'm getting the incorrect device signature in Avrdude again. I've manually deleted the tool-avrdude-megaavr package. Here's the output:

$ pio run -t fuses -e fuses_bootloader
Processing fuses_bootloader (platform:; board: ATmega3209)
Tool Manager: Installing platformio/tool-avrdude-megaavr @ ~1.60300.0
Tool Manager: tool-avrdude-megaavr @ 1.60300.191015 has been installed!
Verbose mode can be enabled via `-v, --verbose` option
PLATFORM: Atmel megaAVR (1.2.0+sha.daf7155) > ATmega3209
 - tool-avrdude-megaavr 1.60300.191015 (6.3.0) 
 - toolchain-atmelavr 1.70300.191015 (7.3.0)
LDF: Library Dependency Finder ->
LDF Modes: Finder ~ chain, Compatibility ~ soft
Found 0 compatible libraries
Scanning dependencies...
No dependencies
Building in release mode

Target = atmega3209
Clock speed = 16000000L
Oscillator = internal
BOD level = 2.7v
Save EEPROM = yes
Reset pin mode = reset

Selected fuses:
[fuse0 / WDTCFG = 0x0]
[fuse1 / BODCFG = 0x0]
[fuse2 / OSCCFG = 0x1]
[fuse4 / TCD0CFG = 0x0]
[fuse5 / SYSCFG0 = 0xc9]
[fuse6 / SYSCFG1 = 0x6]
[fuse7 / APPEND = 0x0]
[fuse8 / BOOTEND = 0x2]
[lfuse / LOCKBIT = 0xc5]

Setting fuses...

avrdude: AVR device initialized and ready to accept instructions

Reading | ################################################## | 100% 0.07s

avrdude: Device signature = 0x1e9531
avrdude: Expected signature for ATmega3209 is 1E 95 53
         Double check chip, or use -F to override this check.

avrdude done.  Thank you.

*** [fuses] Error 1

I'm not sure what's causing this. I was able to sneak in the -F flag to continue my testing.

Setting fuses works fine. However, bootloading not so much:

error: Couldn't find bootloader image bootloaders/bootloaders/optiboot/bootloaders/mega0/115200/Optiboot_mega0_UART3_DEF_115200_A7.hex

The corerct path is bootloaders/optiboot/bootloaders/mega0/115200/Optiboot_mega0_UART3_DEF_115200_A7.hex I believe.

Another thing. I'm pretty sure all fuses are supposed to be in capital letters. At least, that's what Microchip uses in Atmel Studio and in their datasheets

MCUdude commented 4 years ago

About the 0x200 offset. I think we should use the upload_protocol value as the indicator, not board_hardware.uart. There's no real reason to specify what exact UART port on your target that's used for serial uploads.

platform =
framework = arduino
board = ATmega3209
board_build.f_cpu = 16000000L
board_hardware.bod = 4.3v
board_build.variant = 48pin-standard
upload_protocol = arduino
upload_port = /dev/cu.usbserial-1420

In this example, since upload_protocol = arduino, it means that we're using a bootloader, and thus 0x200 is needed. It's also a benefit since upload_protocol has to be defined anyways if you're using a bootloader for uploads. Another 0x200 related bug; 0x200 is actually added when no bootloader is used, so it's the other way around. But again upload_protocol would be better This is wrong. I got my platformio.ini settings wrong due to the board_hardware.uart parameter confusion I've caused myself.

valeros commented 4 years ago

First, I'm getting the incorrect device signature in Avrdude again. I've manually deleted the tool-avrdude-megaavr package.

Thanks for testing! I see you didn't specified framework = arduino in your configuration. That explains most of the issues. I suppose we should allow using your boards without any framework? In this case, where users should get bootloader binaries? Arduino packages are optional, if users don't run any example with Arduino framework, they won't be downloaded.

Another thing. I'm pretty sure all fuses are supposed to be in capital letters. At least, that's what Microchip uses in Atmel Studio and in their datasheets.

Thanks, now I see why you used %.2X, should be fixed now.

About the 0x200 offset. I think we should use the upload_protocol value as the indicator, not board_hardware.uart.

Thanks, fixed as well.

MCUdude commented 4 years ago

I see you didn't specified framework = arduino in your configuration. That explains most of the issues.

🤦 Of course! I'm being sloppy, sorry! This fixed the issues I faced.

There's one tiny formatting thing I'd like to have fixed:

Selected fuses:
[fuse0 / WDTCFG = 0x00]
[fuse1 / BODCFG = 0x00]
[fuse2 / OSCCFG = 0x01]
[fuse4 / TCD0CFG = 0x00]
[fuse5 / SYSCFG0 = 0xC9]
[fuse6 / SYSCFG1 = 0x06]
[fuse7 / APPEND = 0x00]
[fuse8 / BOOTEND = 0x02]
[lfuse / LOCKBIT = 0xc5]

You can probably guess what it is? Add a space in front of the = character to get everything aligned 👍

MCUdude commented 4 years ago

Another question @valeros. Is it possible to get access to a parameter defined in one environment in another environment? Take this example:

upload_protocol = xplainedmini_updi

upload_protocol = ${environment1.upload_protocol}

This would be very convenient in the platformio.ini template I'm creating for MegaCoreX

EDIT: I figured it out!

upload_protocol = xplainedmini_updi

upload_protocol = ${env:environment1.upload_protocol}
valeros commented 4 years ago

Thanks, the formatting should be fine now.

MCUdude commented 4 years ago


Here are the README and platformio.ini template I've created for MegaCoreX users:

MCUdude commented 4 years ago

Are we ready for a new atmelmegaavr release?

valeros commented 4 years ago

Here are the README and platformio.ini template I've created for MegaCoreX users:

Is there any chance you could port that page to PlatformIO docs? Something similar to the atmelavr docs you added earlier.

Are we ready for a new atmelmegaavr release?

Once the issue #10 is resolved.

MCUdude commented 4 years ago

Once the issue #10 is resolved.

Sure! I do have an Uno Wifi Rev2, so iI can help out with the testing this evening.

MCUdude commented 4 years ago

@valeros are we ready for a new release? I don't think there will be any significant changes in this repo for a while since pretty much all MegaCoreX features are implemented, and the bugs regarding Uno Wifi Rev2/Nano Every (#10) are fixed.

valeros commented 4 years ago

Thanks, released.