platformio / platform-atmelsam

Atmel SAM: development platform for PlatformIO
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Debug and serial monitor #192

Open fterretf opened 2 years ago

fterretf commented 2 years ago

Using the serial monitor works fine when doing upload. I just do platformIO:upload and the serial monitor opens and messages are displayed.

With the mkr1010wifi powered by USB cable connected to a 5 V power supply, debugger is fine. I can step through my program but no serial port.

With the mkr1010wifi powered to a PC USB port, the debugger works fine until USBDevice.attach() is executed. image

At this point, windows10 send a ‘USB device not connected’ and the windows device manager gives error code 43


As suggested by Max Gerhardt, I add in platformio.ini the initial breakpoint after the USBdevice.attach() and compilation with optimization, but this doesn't help. debug_build_flags = -Os -g -ggdb debug_init_break = break setup

ivankravets commented 2 years ago

Could you:

  1. Remove debug_build_flags = -Os -g -ggdb line
  2. Replace debug_init_break = break setup with debug_init_break = tb setup

Does it stop at setup now?

fterretf commented 2 years ago

See workaround Cannot debug ledControl example of ArduinoBLE on mkr1010 with jlink plus probe