platformio / platform-atmelsam

Atmel SAM: development platform for PlatformIO
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[QUESTION] Grand central M4 project #57

Closed GMagician closed 5 years ago

GMagician commented 5 years ago

I'm trying to see what does it mean to implement adafruit grand station M4 into Marlin but I'm lost with a strange error.

AssertionError: Missed J-Link Device ID for malyanM200v2

it's generated when I execute

platformio boards

inside marlin folder where platformio.ini is resident.

From original marlin file I only added:


Ardfruit Metro Grand Central M4 (Atmel SAMD51P20A ARM Cortex-M4)

# [env:adafruit_grandcentral_m4] platform = atmelsam framework = arduino board = adafruit_grandcentral_m4 build_flags = ${common.build_flags} lib_deps = ${common.lib_deps} src_filter = ${common.default_src_filter} +<src/HAL/HAL_GRANDCENTRAL_M4>

this is error I get: errlog.txt

I see from closed issues that this error has been already noticed by other guys but no solution has been given

pip install -U platformio command platformio upgrade platformio update

have been executed but don't solve it


Note: It will be impossible to me to answer till next week

ivankravets commented 5 years ago

Where did you get malyanM200v2 board? I don't see this board in our registry.

GMagician commented 5 years ago

Where did you get malyanM200v2 board? I don't see this board in our registry.

This is what I get when I launch "platformio boards" it should only return supported boards, but I get reported error

Edit: I don't really know which board is malyan and where does it come from

ivankravets commented 5 years ago

Which source code do you use? Where did you get it?

GMagician commented 5 years ago

Marlin source code? or platformio code? I don't use platformio source, I downloaded from web site the window compiled version

Edit: Core version since I use VS community edition to edit project

ivankravets commented 5 years ago

Do you use the latest version of Marlin firmware?

I don't see this board.

GMagician commented 5 years ago

Yes I just redone everything again yesterday night. Downloaded marlin 2.0.x, "update" and "upgrade" platformio and "platformio boards" and got same error. But since "boards" should report platformio supported Marlin code may be involved?

Edit: And Yes, Marlin doesn't support such board!

ivankravets commented 5 years ago

It seems that you installed another dev/platform with a broken board manifest. Please remove ~/.platformio folder and restart VSCode.

ivankravets commented 5 years ago

You can check dev/platforms via pio platform list or visiting ~/.platformio/platforms. The broken malyanM200v2.json is located in boards folder of one of dev/platform.

GMagician commented 5 years ago

I'll try but I don't know how I could downloaded that...never done anything else than "platformio update" "platformio upgrade" and compile via VS (not vscode)

GMagician commented 5 years ago

Thanks for support

GMagician commented 5 years ago

I think there something else, here is "pio platform list" report: log.txt

and C:\Users[username].platformio\platforms contains only avr & saml folders

GMagician commented 5 years ago

Text search inside files gives no result, Get-ChildItem -r -Filter "malyan*" starting from same folder report no file

GMagician commented 5 years ago

deleted saml folder and it works... I executed: pio init --ide visualstudio --board adafruit_grandcentral_m4 and now I get the error again

GMagician commented 5 years ago

next test: deleted files and subfolder inside saml folder now I only have platform.json and I still get the same error. error disappears only when I delete attached platform.json platform.json.txt

ivankravets commented 5 years ago

Where did you get saml folder?

GMagician commented 5 years ago

it is created by: pio init --ide visualstudio --board adafruit_grandcentral_m4 that downloads all tool chain

GMagician commented 5 years ago

real folder name is atmelsam

GMagician commented 5 years ago

Found! Such board is define inside Marlin folders!

ivankravets commented 5 years ago

Could you show me here

GMagician commented 5 years ago

Of course I can, it's here: since I don't know how PlatformIO works nor I know Phyton language it has been an adventure to discover where the issue was. I already open an issue in Marlin repository about that and guy that added board wrote:

PIO should get proper json definitions for the M200/M300 series soon, since ST’s core now officially supports them.

ivankravets commented 5 years ago

Resolved in