platformio / platform-atmelsam

Atmel SAM: development platform for PlatformIO
Apache License 2.0
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Flood of kernel log messages (xhci_hcd) after upload finishes #87

Open ghost opened 4 years ago

ghost commented 4 years ago

I'm not sure whether this is an issue with PlatformIO or with my setup. Uploading to an Arduino Zero compatible board seems to work flawlessly with PlatformIO 4.0.2 on 5.3.12-arch1-1:

Processing zeroUSB (platform: atmelsam; board: zeroUSB; framework: arduino)
Verbose mode can be enabled via `-v, --verbose` option
PLATFORM: Atmel SAM 3.9.0 > Arduino Zero (USB Native Port)
HARDWARE: SAMD21G18A 48MHz, 32KB RAM, 256KB Flash
DEBUG: Current (atmel-ice) External (atmel-ice, blackmagic, jlink)
PACKAGES: toolchain-gccarmnoneeabi 1.70201.0 (7.2.1), framework-arduinosam 4.4.191002, tool-bossac 1.10700.190624 (1.7.0)
Converting Unit.ino
LDF: Library Dependency Finder ->
LDF Modes: Finder ~ chain, Compatibility ~ soft
Found 18 compatible libraries
Scanning dependencies...
Dependency Graph
Compiling .pio/build/zeroUSB/src/Unit.ino.cpp.o
Linking .pio/build/zeroUSB/firmware.elf
Checking size .pio/build/zeroUSB/firmware.elf
Building .pio/build/zeroUSB/firmware.bin
Memory Usage ->
DATA:    [==        ]  15.4% (used 5060 bytes from 32768 bytes)
PROGRAM: [===       ]  34.2% (used 89600 bytes from 262144 bytes)
Configuring upload protocol...
AVAILABLE: atmel-ice, blackmagic, jlink, sam-ba
CURRENT: upload_protocol = sam-ba
Looking for upload port...

Warning! Your `/etc/udev/rules.d/99-platformio-udev.rules` are outdated. Please update or reinstall them.
 Mode details:

Auto-detected: /dev/ttyACM0
Forcing reset using 1200bps open/close on port /dev/ttyACM0
Waiting for the new upload port...
Uploading .pio/build/zeroUSB/firmware.bin
Atmel SMART device 0x10010005 found
Erase flash
done in 0.843 seconds

Write 89600 bytes to flash (1400 pages)

[=                             ] 4% (64/1400 pages)
[==                            ] 9% (128/1400 pages)
[====                          ] 13% (192/1400 pages)
[=====                         ] 18% (256/1400 pages)
[======                        ] 22% (320/1400 pages)
[========                      ] 27% (384/1400 pages)
[=========                     ] 32% (448/1400 pages)
[==========                    ] 36% (512/1400 pages)
[============                  ] 41% (576/1400 pages)
[=============                 ] 45% (640/1400 pages)
[===============               ] 50% (704/1400 pages)
[================              ] 54% (768/1400 pages)
[=================             ] 59% (832/1400 pages)
[===================           ] 64% (896/1400 pages)
[====================          ] 68% (960/1400 pages)
[=====================         ] 73% (1024/1400 pages)
[=======================       ] 77% (1088/1400 pages)
[========================      ] 82% (1152/1400 pages)
[==========================    ] 86% (1216/1400 pages)
[===========================   ] 91% (1280/1400 pages)
[============================  ] 96% (1344/1400 pages)
[==============================] 100% (1400/1400 pages)
done in 0.481 seconds

Verify 89600 bytes of flash with checksum.
Verify successful
done in 0.079 seconds
CPU reset.

After the upload finishes, my kernel log is flooded with messages like these for several minutes:

[ 1172.488387] xhci_hcd 0000:00:14.0: A Set TR Deq Ptr command is pending.
[ 1172.492722] xhci_hcd 0000:00:14.0: WARN Cannot submit Set TR Deq Ptr
[ 1172.492725] xhci_hcd 0000:00:14.0: A Set TR Deq Ptr command is pending.
[ 1172.505232] xhci_hcd 0000:00:14.0: WARN Cannot submit Set TR Deq Ptr
[ 1172.505236] xhci_hcd 0000:00:14.0: A Set TR Deq Ptr command is pending.
[ 1172.524984] xhci_hcd 0000:00:14.0: WARN Cannot submit Set TR Deq Ptr
[ 1172.524988] xhci_hcd 0000:00:14.0: A Set TR Deq Ptr command is pending.

I would like to avoid them, but I really have no idea what they mean or what causes them.

ghost commented 4 years ago

I could reproduce this with PlatformIO 4.1.0 and a minimalistic "blink" sample.

valeros commented 4 years ago

Hi @BitFlipp ! Could you please try to upload a simple blink example using Arduino IDE?