platformio / platform-espressif32

Espressif 32: development platform for PlatformIO
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Add support for Lilka (v2) board #1317

Closed and3rson closed 4 months ago

and3rson commented 4 months ago

This PR adds a new board - Lilka v2.

Lilka is an open-source community-driven DIY project based on ESP32-S3-WROOM-1-N16R8.

We are expecting a lot of people to use it with platformio, thus having it in this repository would greatly simplify the set-up for new developers.

Thanks in advance, and please let me know if my configuration is missing anything!

EDIT: the reason for starting with v2 is that v1 is an internal prototype that was demonstrated to research the feasibility of developing a stable model (v2). Thus the first public version is v2. So in order to avoid confusion, we're explicitly naming it lilka_v2.

Furthermore, v3 is likely going to be developed in future being potentially backwards-incompatible, so including hardware version as part of board's name ensures long-term support for all versions.

valeros commented 4 months ago

Hi @and3rson, thanks for the PR. Overall, the manifest looks good to me, except one thing. I noticed you're using the CDC functionality, but isn't some sort of use_1200bps_touch required to put the board in the bootloader mode?

and3rson commented 4 months ago

@valeros Thanks for the heads-up! This is a good question. I did my testing without use_1200bps_touch (with JSON from this PR as-is), and the entire flashing/rebooting process went without any issues, irregardless whether the board was already running another firmware, or was just plugged in during "Looking for upload port...", or manually forced into bootloader by pulling GPIO0 down.

I think this might potentially be some edge-case with my system specifically, or perhaps that's just the way the bootloader of ESP32-S3 works. If you suggest that adding use_1200bps_touch will make it potentially more reliable for other users - then we should definitely add it!

valeros commented 4 months ago

If it works even without use_1200bps_touch, let's keep it that way.

PS: Lilka seems like a great project, thumbs up for the comprehensive docs and even a set of libraries to get started. I believe it also make sense to translate the docs to English, at least to bring more attention from the community. Anyway, keep up great work!

and3rson commented 4 months ago

@valeros Thank you so much!