platformio / platform-espressif32

Espressif 32: development platform for PlatformIO
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Bump idf-component-manager to 1.5.2 #1321

Closed nicklasb closed 3 months ago

nicklasb commented 4 months ago

The 1.4.0 of idf-component-manager introduces the "license"-tag which works the same as the library.json "license"-tag. Several libraries have already started to use this and I just bumped into this with my Robusto library, and when helping Radiolib getting in there. (Edit: saw that arduino-esp32 also use it)

The problem is that libraries before this instead fails, and thus the Platformio build fails, and the recommendation to update to a newer version doesn't help as the old one is installed again in the venv anyway (which actually makes the recommendation sort of pointless and misleading) I am seeing no issue with going with the latest version here, it is not new either and seems stable.

Temporary workaround: An ugly one for those that needs this fix before nest platform-espressif-release, at least for *nix variants: Do the suggested venv idf-component update (not the system one) using sudo, that way the platformio build fails reinstalling the "old" idf-component-manager, but still completes the build process. sudo -H ~/.platformio/penv/.espidf-5.1.2/bin/python -m pip install --upgrade idf-component-manager Note that you will have to remove the .espidf-5.1.2 folder to make it reinstall later on

valeros commented 3 months ago

Thanks, merged!