platformio / platform-espressif32

Espressif 32: development platform for PlatformIO
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Request to support ESP IDF v5.2.1 #1326

Closed ascillato closed 3 months ago

ascillato commented 3 months ago


Espressif has released on March 6th of 2024 the version v5.2.1 of the SDK for the ESP32 family.

How can I try this new SDK using PlatformIO?

I tried unsuccesfully the following in platformio.ini:

platform_packages                       = framework-espidf @ ~3.50201

Is there a way that I can generate that package locally?

I'm interested on trying this new SDK version due to the fact that it has several bugfixes related to ADC such as Fixed wrong results after ADC continuous mode stops and starts again.

Thank you a lot in advance.

Jason2866 commented 3 months ago

Hi @ascillato you can use this one, until a package is available from Platformio.

platform_packages = framework-espidf @
ascillato commented 3 months ago

Oh great!!! Thanks. That is awesome.

ascillato commented 3 months ago

This new version of SDK solves an old issue when the WiFi router channel config is in auto and it jumps to another channel. Now with this SDK, it follows that change. Also it adds more WPA3 protocols support.

Just for the bugfix on the auto channel it's worths to upgrading. That was a pain to handle.

mhaberler commented 3 months ago

Hi @ascillato you can use this one, until a package is available from Platformio.

platform_packages = framework-espidf @

@Jason2866 I think I speak for all users of your builds that we really appreciate your work

what I'd like to see is a map of the path forward how this is going to result in a at least supportable standard release

everybody's doing a private build cant be a reasonable solution and I am spending way too much time tracking minutiae and arcana of this-and-that version - time I'd rather spend on applications

idc if it is a community-maintained version or some other path forward, but IMO this situation is untenable

what are your suggestions?

Jason2866 commented 3 months ago

@mhaberler Who i am to suggest something ;-) Official support for newer stuff from espressif needs an contract between espressif and Platformio. This is how i understand the statements from #1225 I will not do an fork which is based and uses the orig. espressif releases and sources. The reason why i have "something" from time to time it is a side effect of my work to maintain the customized Arduino framework for project Tasmota. My reasons:

EDIT: My wish to solve, espressif does a renew of the partnership between Platformio and espressif. So professional maintained actual frameworks are available. Everything else is a crude workaround.

ascillato commented 3 months ago

@Jason2866 Thanks a lot for all your help.

Just to learn, how did you make the package ?

What is different from Espressif release ?

EDIT: oh, I see

ascillato commented 3 months ago



It is not clear to me what was discussed on Are planned new updates of platform-espressif32 with new esp-idf versions like the one mentioned in this issue?

Jason2866 commented 3 months ago

Just to learn, how did you make the package ?

What is different from Espressif release ?

EDIT: oh, I see espressif/esp-idf@master...tasmota:esp-idf:master espressif/github-actions@master...Jason2866:github-actions:master

The change, just add a package.json. The adding of the version.txt file should not be necessary. Had issues when using the Arduino Lib Builder when the file is not there, so i add by default. Zip (tar) all (including recursive clone of the gitmodules). That's it. I remove the complete git related stuff, so the package is smaller than 100Mb. Doing that with Github Actions, it is just a mouse click.

mhaberler commented 3 months ago

@mhaberler Who i am to suggest something ;-) Official support for newer stuff from espressif needs an contract between espressif and Platformio.

ok, we can limp along a bit longer.

but now let's assume this contract does not happen at all, or within a realistic timeline.

espressif support going the same way like Zephyr, i.e. not really? defect to another IDE? which one?

I have no idea what the Espressif folk are thinking with their Arduino strategy - it makes sense only when you want to be the ruler of the low-clue, single-sketch "my LED blinks!" space - I dont get it

valeros commented 3 months ago

Hi there, support for IDF v5.2.1 is planned to be added this month.