platformio / platform-espressif32

Espressif 32: development platform for PlatformIO
Apache License 2.0
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Endless "Importing PlatformIO Project" process #1366

Closed K4rsion closed 2 months ago

K4rsion commented 2 months ago

I use PlatformIO IDE in CLion. I, accidentally, pushed some button in toolbar and immediately stopped the process. It was "Update toolchains and etc" btn or smth like this. After that, my project cant build.

I tried:

  1. Create new project
  2. Delete .platformio and all components (plugin in Clion and extension in VSCode) from my PC
  3. Reboot

Nothing help. What can be the problem?

I also tried use toolchain-riscv32-esp @ 8.4.0+2021r2-patch5 as in #1081 issue and get this:

Снимок экрана 2024-04-26 143123

But project builds too long (30-40 min). Building hasn't finished yet and I don't know if the project works correctly.

K4rsion commented 2 months ago

After adding:

platform_packages =
    toolchain-riscv32-esp @ 8.4.0+2021r2-patch5

and waiting for ~1.5 hour everything works!

OS: Windows 11

As I understand after I pushed "Update platforms, toolchains, etc." and immediately stopped the process, some platformio internal files have been deleted or maybe changed.

I think, that even without putting toolchain-riscv32-esp @ 8.4.0+2021r2-patch5 it should work after reuploading platformio plugin. I use it, just because first time I didn't open a Build/Sync logs and as a result couldn't see any progress as at photo above.