platformio / platform-espressif32

Espressif 32: development platform for PlatformIO
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feat: add support for ESP32-S3-WROOM-1-N16R8 #1383

Open BA7LYA opened 1 month ago

BA7LYA commented 1 month ago

Add support for ESP32-S3-WROOM-1-N16R8 module.


naschpitz commented 3 weeks ago

Sorry for my ignorance, but why is the maximum_ram_size so large? Shoudn't it be just 512 KB? The other 8 MB aren't exatcly RAM, I guess, as it can't be used as stack memory, only as heap memory by calling ps_malloc().

There is already a file called 4d_systems_esp32s3_gen4_r8n16.json that seems to be very similar to the ESP32-S3-WROOM-1-N16R8 board, there the maximum_ram_size = 327680 (I believe some 192 KB are reserved to the system?).

19e2k67 commented 3 weeks ago

Development version model: ESP32-S3-WROOM-1-N16R8, platformio.ini configuration is as follows:

platform = espressif32
board = esp32-s3-devkitc-1
framework = arduino
; 指定为16MB的FLASH分区表
board_build.arduino.partitions = default_16MB.csv
; 指定FLASH和PSRAM的运行模式
board_build.arduino.memory_type = qio_opi
; 预定义宏,启用PSRAM
build_flags = -DBOARD_HAS_PSRAM
; 指定FLASH容量为16MB
board_upload.flash_size = 16MB

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