platformio / platform-espressif32

Espressif 32: development platform for PlatformIO
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esp32-c6-devkitc-1 defines wrong RAM size #1395

Closed QuickJack closed 2 weeks ago

QuickJack commented 2 weeks ago

According to the datasheet ( the ESP32-C6 contains 512 KB SRAM.

valeros commented 2 weeks ago

We use the same size as the Arduino IDE As a workaround, you can adjust that value in your platformio.ini:

board_upload.maximum_ram_size = 524288
QuickJack commented 2 weeks ago

So Arduino IDE is using the wrong RAM size as well. What is the reason behind this decision?

valeros commented 2 weeks ago

What is the reason behind this decision?

Even though technically the SRAM size is 512kb (distributed between IRAM and DRAM), the maximum_ram_size field only represents DRAM size (320kb) used for non-constant static data.

QuickJack commented 2 weeks ago

Besides the esp32-c6-devkitm-1 there is a esp32-c6-devkitc-1. They have the following documentation pages which both link to the same datasheet for the ESP32-c6:

However, the template for the esp32-c6-devkitc-1 specifies 512k whereas the template for the esp32-c6-devkitm-1 specifies only 320k. Both boards seem to contain the same chip. Why is maximum_ram_size different for these two templates?

valeros commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks for pointing out, that's an oversight, fixed in