platformio / platform-linux_arm

Linux ARM: development platform for PlatformIO
Apache License 2.0
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framework-wiringpi update complains about version requirement #1

Closed ropy closed 7 years ago

ropy commented 7 years ago


First of all I would like to thank you for this awesome software.

However, after upgrading platformio from version 2.11.2 to the current stable version 3.0.1 (and even the develop version 3.0.2a1), framework-wiringpi won't update complaining about version requirements. Subsequently I can't build anymore. Please see the console output below.

I'm building on a Raspberry Pi 2b running Raspian.

`ropu@devbox:~/devel/rpi$ pio run [Fri Sep 9 15:58:35 2016] Processing raspberrypi_2b (platform: linux_arm, build_flags: -DBCM2835 -DRH_PLATFORM=RH_PLATFORM_RASPI -Ilib/RadioHead/RHutil -I/usr/include/event2 -lpthread -std=gnu++11 -L/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf -levent -levent_core -levent_pthreads, board: raspberrypi_2b, framework: wiringpi)

PackageManager: Installing framework-wiringpi @ ~1.232.0 Downloading [####################################] 100%
Unpacking [####################################] 100%
Warning! Package Mirror: Package version 1.1.0 doesn't satisfy requirements ~1.232.0 Looking for the another mirror... Downloading [####################################] 100%
Unpacking [####################################] 100%
Warning! Package Mirror: Package version 1.1.0 doesn't satisfy requirements ~1.232.0 Looking for the another mirror... Downloading [####################################] 100%
Unpacking [####################################] 100%
Warning! Package Mirror: Package version 1.1.0 doesn't satisfy requirements ~1.232.0 Looking for the another mirror... Error: Can not install 'framework-wiringpi' with version requirements '~1.232.0' for your system 'linux_armv6l'`

Best regards, Robin

ivankravets commented 7 years ago

Thanks! I've just fixed package. Could you try again?

ropy commented 7 years ago


PackageManager: Installing framework-wiringpi @ ~1.232.0 Downloading [####################################] 100% Unpacking [####################################] 100% framework-wiringpi @ 1.232.0 has been successfully installed!

That leaves me with some other errors, but those are most likely caused by the external libraries I'm using. I'm going figure that out later.

Thanks a lot.

ivankravets commented 7 years ago

Thanks that reported!

Happy Coding! 😊