hello i use the nucleo 64 from STM with the micro STM32F103RB
SO if i do a simple program the blink led, it work.
but when i try program to use the TFT i have a error
and the error apear when i put/call:
include // Core graphics library
include // Hardware-specific library for ST7735
if is build to board = genericSTM32F103RB no have problems
and importante is in the "menu" on left side in platformio.ini
i have this
platform = ststm32
board = genericSTM32F407VET6
framework = arduino
upload_protocol = stlink
monitor_speed = 115200
; nao resolveu build_flags = -lc
board_build.mcu = stm32f407vet6
and the errorrrrrr
Linking .pioenvs\genericSTM32F407VET6\firmware.elf
c:/users/egomes/.platformio/packages/toolchain-gccarmnoneeabi/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/7.2.1/../../../../arm-none-eabi/lib/thumb/v7e-m\libnosys.a(sbrk.o): In function _sbrk': sbrk.c:(.text._sbrk+0x18): undefined reference toend'
collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status
hello i use the nucleo 64 from STM with the micro STM32F103RB
SO if i do a simple program the blink led, it work. but when i try program to use the TFT i have a error
and the error apear when i put/call:
include // Core graphics library
include // Hardware-specific library for ST7735
and importante is in the "menu" on left side in platformio.ini i have this [env:genericSTM32F407VET6] platform = ststm32 board = genericSTM32F407VET6 framework = arduino upload_protocol = stlink monitor_speed = 115200 ; nao resolveu build_flags = -lc board_build.mcu = stm32f407vet6
and the errorrrrrr Linking .pioenvs\genericSTM32F407VET6\firmware.elf c:/users/egomes/.platformio/packages/toolchain-gccarmnoneeabi/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/7.2.1/../../../../arm-none-eabi/lib/thumb/v7e-m\libnosys.a(sbrk.o): In function
_sbrk': sbrk.c:(.text._sbrk+0x18): undefined reference to
end' collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit statushttps://lh3.googleusercontent.com/BTrawdFrEQbwFgsM-SPGk1P3mW5Wp-GKZF2QawifOWqCFoGrZO0oYGdyUPDekiuJ8u-x3EUPKJlMkQ0-eBl80wTZfuRfKfXFpp9EQBEdzOB_4Y09zqGjddg6SOeOjsErVjCuAvrXf-OowEwTmk0ybYnVDpp6cmfYc-RiB4OEB9jtCJBZPaEBocauA9PNeIkRQ6aQ1OmFftpRpa8fxP4t1CrU6nKItHxuhaU1yLJylMSABE3ArmU_I2yG9yiUgCoo0n1m2dFXoj_so6HdXvR0ZZfVjXJulow9volMQZTJGHYT_dPzoBR_gCE5lcWo6Yztr8aRB0O5kL8sbFu11ULC0dqCzyt2MWvhVDQ190WeR5aZVvslN2sAZxi7l122qOGbheqsGIr4Yia7QUPqtjXVbrbYKdpj0HrNlrtFU3V4FYRcVwPANKDctN7CSAFu5aowytYlhtyF_Fdq9CIIHS5Dcwbcr4-LXBvIRc9rrlIozHjMW-CwANAmAv8LaegNNTlp8WUr8pBMC5wjqlbbfzkVeM72h7lk60OTxCBxd_Q5aCVBoieSMZJ2hRv-YulWAWmxQhQoUAXzcbRavAOx74Ej9BeicW2G9zfwAyhDrchyaqCy3HiaR6uLkJptwxmtWGQMEGjKza2r3E6jqApWGI2BT8Y=w1159-h626-no