I have discovered something strange to me which i haven't found any explanation on the web. I move my code from ststm32 15.3.0 to 15.4.1. My code was working fine either in debug or in release with the 15.3.0.
The problem:
The hardwareSerial...available() function does not report any data whereas the USART6->DR register has the correct data inside (USART6->SR = 0x0F8),
After struggling several days, i found out if i remove the non optimization constraints "debug_build_flags = -g -O0", the available() function work again correctly.
My question
I am used to have the -g -O0 for debugging to be able to have a true step by step across my code.
I do not understand what happened here. I would like to understand why the non optimization asked will interfere with the available() functionality. Do you have some explanation ?.
Thank in advance.
ststm32 15.4.1
pio core 6.1.6 / home 3.4.3
vscode 1.75.1
With non optimization debug activate : Flash iss 3.5% full and RAM 0.7% full
Here is my platform.ini before the rectification
platform = ststm32
board = nucleo_f429zi
framework = arduino
debug_build_flags = -g -O0 <<=== I had to comment this line for the available() function to work.
lib_deps = adafruit/Adafruit INA219@^1.2.0
extra_scripts = pre_generateBuildDate.py
Partial Code
#define BAUDRATE 115200
#define rs485_rx_pin PG9 // Arduino D0 //USART6
#define rs485_tx_pin PG14 // Arduino D1
HardwareSerial* uart;
void setup() {
uart = new HardwareSerial(rs485_rx_pin, rs485_tx_pin);
void loop() {
if (uart->available() > 0) { //<== This available function does not work when using debug non optimization
rxb = (uint8_t)uart->read();
Hello everyone,
I have discovered something strange to me which i haven't found any explanation on the web. I move my code from ststm32 15.3.0 to 15.4.1. My code was working fine either in debug or in release with the 15.3.0.
The problem:
My question I am used to have the -g -O0 for debugging to be able to have a true step by step across my code. I do not understand what happened here. I would like to understand why the non optimization asked will interfere with the available() functionality. Do you have some explanation ?.
Thank in advance. Julien
Here is my platform.ini before the rectification [env:nucleo_f429zi] platform = ststm32 board = nucleo_f429zi framework = arduino debug_build_flags = -g -O0 <<=== I had to comment this line for the available() function to work. lib_deps = adafruit/Adafruit INA219@^1.2.0 extra_scripts = pre_generateBuildDate.py
Partial Code