platformio / platform-ststm8

ST STM8: development platform for PlatformIO
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Please add support for Nucleo-8S207K8 board #34

Closed gicking closed 3 years ago

gicking commented 3 years ago

please consider adding support for the Nucleo-8S207K8 development board by STM. Thanks a lot in advance!

maxgerhardt commented 3 years ago

Hey, do you have the board to test?

Sadly the board isn't supported by the underlying SDuino Arduino core implementation (for 8S200 series, only a S208MB board is supported), but SPL should still work.

To test SPL support, please copy the project files from and

  1. Create a new folder boards in the root of the project
  2. Create a new file nucleo_8s207k8.json in there
  3. Fill it with the content
    "build": {
      "core": "sduino",
      "extra_flags": "-DSTM8S_207K8 -DSTM8S207",
      "f_cpu": "16000000L",
      "cpu": "stm8",
      "mcu": "stm8s207k8t6",
      "variant": "mb208"
    "frameworks": [
    "upload": {
      "maximum_ram_size": 6144,
      "maximum_size": 65536,
      "protocol": "stlinkv2",
      "protocols": [
    "name": "NUCLEO-8S207K8",
    "url": "",
    "vendor": "STMicroelectronics"
  4. Change the platformio.ini of the project to
    platform = ststm8
    board = nucleo_8s207k8
    framework = spl
    upload_protocol = stlinkv2
    upload_command = $PROJECT_PACKAGES_DIR/tool-stm8tools/stm8flash -p stm8s207k8 -c $UPLOAD_PROTOCOL -s flash -w $SOURCE
  5. In src/main.c, adapt the GPIO pins and ports to
    #define LED_GPIO_PORT  (GPIOC)
    #define LED_GPIO_PINS  (GPIO_PIN_5)

    (since the green LD3 is connected there)

  6. Try to compile and upload the firmware

Build should result in

Building in release mode
Compiling .pio\build\nucleo_8s207k8\SPL\stm8s_adc2.rel
Compiling .pio\build\nucleo_8s207k8\SPL\stm8s_wwdg.rel
Compiling .pio\build\nucleo_8s207k8\src\main.rel
Compiling .pio\build\nucleo_8s207k8\src\stm8s_it.rel
src\main.c:114: warning 85: in function assert_failed unreferenced function argument : 'file'
src\main.c:114: warning 85: in function assert_failed unreferenced function argument : 'line'
C:\Users\Max\.platformio\packages\framework-ststm8spl\Libraries\STM8S_StdPeriph_Driver\src\stm8s_tim2.c:1110: warning 116: right shifting more than size of object changed to zero
C:\Users\Max\.platformio\packages\framework-ststm8spl\Libraries\STM8S_StdPeriph_Driver\src\stm8s_itc.c:60: warning 59: function 'ITC_GetCPUCC' must return value
Linking .pio\build\nucleo_8s207k8\firmware.elf
Checking size .pio\build\nucleo_8s207k8\firmware.elf
Advanced Memory Usage is available via "PlatformIO Home > Project Inspect"
RAM:   [          ]   0.1% (used 5 bytes from 6144 bytes)
Flash: [====      ]  37.9% (used 24837 bytes from 65536 bytes)
======================= [SUCCESS] Took 2.99 seconds =======================

And upload should trigger a

C:\Users\<user>\.platformio\packages/tool-stm8tools/stm8flash -p stm8s207k8 -c stlinkv2 -s flash -w .pio\build\nucleo_8s207k8\firmware.ihx

..which hopefully works. I don't have the hardware to test.

gicking commented 3 years ago


worked right out of the box. Thanks a lot! Will this be added to the list of boards now - though "only" with SPL support?

If yes, would you please also consider adding the other Nucleo-8S207K8 board...? Thanks in advance!

PS: or is the right way to clone the repo, add the changes and create a pull request...?

maxgerhardt commented 3 years ago

worked right out of the box.

Great to hear that it works (and the LED seem to be blinking yeah?).

If yes, would you please also consider adding the other Nucleo-8S207K8 board...? Thanks in advance!

But this is already the 82S207K8 board, I think you mean #33? Yep, shouldn't be hard to have basic SPL supoprt there to, again sadly no Arduino integration (yet).

Though I might also look into that quickly, because all a variant is is one header file defining the Arduino pin mapping, standard pins and some info regarding timers. Thus maybe also a different variant works that has 32-pin package (?). Not sure about that and without hardware to test dangerous to test fully and PR, so I might just get one of these boards.

PS: or is the right way to clone the repo, add the changes and create a pull request...?

Exactly, I'd have to cleanup the board JSON file(s), modify some python code so that the upload_command directive isn't needed (only needed because PlatformIO has a wrong derivation logic the -p switch in that case) and then PR it into here, then the devs should merge it.

valeros commented 3 years ago

Resolved in #38