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Reports errors that do not exist #580

Closed charles-owen closed 8 years ago

charles-owen commented 8 years ago

What kind of issue is this?

You can erase any parts of this template not applicable to your Issue.


Windows 10

IDE 1.0.5, CLI 2.8.5 (platformio --version):

Description of problem

When I compile a program the IDE reports errors in the source code that are not emitted by the compiler in the build window. I am loading main.c from stm32-spl-blink. It compiles and runs just fine. But, the IDE says I have two errors where none exist.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. New project for disco_l152rb with platformio.ini as below.
  2. Set main.c to the source code below.
  3. Build.

    Actual Results

arm-none-eabi-gcc -o .pioenvs\disco_l152rb\src\main.o -c -g -Os -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -Wall -mthumb -mcpu=cortex-m3 -nostdlib -DF_CPU=32000000L -DST M32L152XB -DSTM32L1 -DSTM32L152xB -DSTM32L1XX_MD -DPLATFORMIO=020805 -I.pioenvs\disco_l152rb\FrameworkCMSIS -I.pioenvs\disco_l152rb\FrameworkCMSISVariant -I.pioen vs\disco_l152rb\FrameworkSPLInc -I.pioenvs\disco_l152rb\FrameworkSPL src\main.c

No error is indicated. But, the IDE indicates:

GCC error variable or field 'simple_delay' declared void at line 22 col 19 GCC error 'uint32_t' was not declared in this scope at line 22 col 19

Expected Results

There should not be any error messages.

If problems with PlatformIO Build System:

The content of platformio.ini:

platform = ststm32
framework = spl
board = disco_l152rb

Source file to reproduce issue:

#ifdef STM32L1
    #include <stm32l1xx_gpio.h>
    #include <stm32l1xx_rcc.h>
    #define LEDPORT (GPIOB)
    #define LEDPIN (GPIO_Pin_7)
#elif STM32F3
    #include <stm32f30x_gpio.h>
    #include <stm32f30x_rcc.h>
    #define LEDPORT (GPIOE)
    #define LEDPIN (GPIO_Pin_8)
#elif STM32F4
    #include <stm32f4xx_gpio.h>
    #include <stm32f4xx_rcc.h>
    #define LEDPORT (GPIOD)
    #define LEDPIN (GPIO_Pin_12)
    #define ENABLE_GPIO_CLOCK (RCC_AHB1PeriphClockCmd(RCC_AHB1Periph_GPIOD, ENABLE))

/* timing is not guaranteed :) */
void simple_delay(uint32_t us)
    /* simple delay loop */
    while (us--) {
        asm volatile ("nop");

/* system entry point */
int main(void)
    /* gpio init struct */
    GPIO_InitTypeDef gpio;
    /* reset rcc */
    /* enable clock GPIO */
    /* use LED pin */
    gpio.GPIO_Pin = LEDPIN;
    /* mode: output */
    gpio.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_OUT;
    /* output type: push-pull */
    gpio.GPIO_OType = GPIO_OType_PP;
    /* apply configuration */
    GPIO_Init(LEDPORT, &gpio);
    /* main program loop */
    for (;;) {
        /* set led on */
        GPIO_SetBits(LEDPORT, LEDPIN);
        /* delay */
        /* clear led */
        GPIO_ResetBits(LEDPORT, LEDPIN);
        /* delay */

    /* never reached */
    return 0;

Additional info

gerritv commented 8 years ago

Please see Issue 543: What you are seeing is Intellisense errors, not compile errors. The solution is a bit finicky depending on your source code layout.

ivankravets commented 8 years ago

How did you create project? Try Menu: PlatformIO > Rebuild C/C++ Project Index.

charles-owen commented 8 years ago

I built the project using the instructions in the getting started, just changed the board type.

But, Rebuild C/C++ Project Index does appear to have fixed the problem. What does that do?

ivankravets commented 8 years ago

@charles-owen you have changed the board manually without rebuilding index. Code Linter didn't know about it. I've just opened an issue for that