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Could not initialize project #8081

Open mjwhite8119 opened 2 weeks ago

mjwhite8119 commented 2 weeks ago

PIO Core Call Error: "Resolving esp32-s3-devkitm-1 dependencies...\n\n\nUnknownBoard: Unknown board ID 'esp32-s3-devkitm-1'"

mjwhite8119 commented 2 weeks ago

Picked this board from the list. It has always worked in the past.

mjwhite8119 commented 2 weeks ago

So esp32-s3-devkitc-1 works, but esp32-s3-devkitm-1 is an unknown board. I actually have the esp32-s3-devkitc-1 so I changed it in the platform.ini and it is recognized. The esp32-s3-devkitc-1 board is no longer a board in the list, which I believe it should be.