platformio / platformio-vscode-ide

PlatformIO IDE for VSCode: The next generation integrated development environment for IoT
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Can't automatically flash STM32 board using DAP-Link or CMSIS-DAP via platformio in VSCode #4051

Open China-Mr-Hou opened 1 month ago

China-Mr-Hou commented 1 month ago

Hello everyone. These days I'm working on a project using STM32H743VIT6. When I try to upload sketch to my board using CMSIS-DAP programmer/debugger, it fails and I got something like below: 屏幕截图 2024-05-11 165459 I'm sure my computer is OK with drivers since it works in Keil MDK. Also in debug session it quited unexpectedly. 屏幕截图 2024-05-11 170959 btw, the upload process seems to be an issue with MCU reset. If I manually reset by shorting RST pin to ground it just flash correctly.

Is this a problem with OpenOCD? Please give help :(