platformsh-templates / nextjs-drupal

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Pull failed: Failed to exec #set -x , exit status 1 #4

Open kopeboy opened 2 years ago

kopeboy commented 2 years ago

After following the instructions in your, running ddev pull platform I get this error below (and can't access my site as per the other issue I posted).


(that happened even before installing xdebug)

The api token from is correctly set to /Users/kopeboy/.ddev/global_config.yaml

blyme commented 1 year ago

Just chipping in here to say that I experience the exact same thing when following the README. The project is created with this template.

Here's my output:

ddev pull platform
You're about to delete the current database and files and replace with the results of a fresh pull.
Would you like to continue? [Y/n] (yes):
Obtaining databases...

  Specifying the --app or --worker is required in non-interactive mode

Usage: platform relationships [-P|--property PROPERTY] [--refresh] [-p|--project PROJECT] [-e|--environment ENVIRONMENT] [-A|--app APP] [-i|--identity-file IDENTITY-FILE] [--] [<environment>]

For more information, type: platform help environment:relationships

Pull failed: Failed to exec # set -x   # You can enable bash debugging output by uncommenting
set -eu -o pipefail
ls /var/www/html/.ddev >/dev/null # This just refreshes stale NFS if possible
# /tmp/db_relationships.yaml is the full yaml output of the database relationships
PLATFORM_RELATIONSHIPS="" platform relationships -y  -e "${PLATFORM_ENVIRONMENT}" | yq 'with_entries(select(.[][].type == "mariadb:*" or .[][].type == "*mysql:*" or .[][].type == "postgresql:*")) ' >${db_relationships_file}
db_relationships=($(yq ' keys | .[] ' ${db_relationships_file}))
db_names=($(yq '.[][].path' ${db_relationships_file}))
# echo "db_relationships=${db_relationships} sizeof db_relationships=${#db_relationships[@]} db_names=${db_names} db_count=${db_count} PLATFORM_PRIMARY_RELATIONSHIP=${PLATFORM_PRIMARY_RELATIONSHIP}"
# If we have only one database, import it into local database named 'db'
if [ ${#db_names[@]} -eq 1 ]; then db_names[0]="db"; fi

for (( i=0; i<${#db_relationships[@]}; i++ )); do
  # if PLATFORM_PRIMARY_RELATIONSHIP is set, then when doing that one, import it into local database 'db'
  if [ "${rel}" = "${PLATFORM_PRIMARY_RELATIONSHIP:-notset}" ] ; then
    echo "PLATFORM_PRIMARY_RELATIONSHIP=${PLATFORM_PRIMARY_RELATIONSHIP:-} so using it as database 'db' instead of the upstream '${db_name}'"

  platform db:dump --yes --relationship=${rel} --gzip --file=/var/www/html/.ddev/.downloads/${db_name}.sql.gz --project="${PLATFORM_PROJECT:-setme}" --environment="${PLATFORM_ENVIRONMENT:-setme}"
echo "Downloaded db dumps for databases '${db_names[@]}'"
 on web: exit status 1
rfay commented 1 year ago

In recent versions of DDEV you don't have to edit any template; please try using the unaltered .ddev/providers/platform.yaml that DDEV provides. If you have one there that isn't the one provided by DDEV (if it doesn't have #ddev-generated in the top) then please move it out of the way and ddev start and see what you get. Mostly ddev pull platform works fine for single-app projects, without any modifications or extra add-ons. (It does not require the ddev-platformsh add-on).

blyme commented 1 year ago

Thanks to @rfay pointing me in the right direction, I managed to get the ddev pull platform working. I followed the solution mentioned here, in the Drupal slack:

I first removed the #ddev-generated at the top of providers/platform.yaml file, then added --app drupal to lines 51, 68 & 79

rfay commented 1 year ago

I was hoping that you'd provide a full explanation in an issue in the DDEV issue queue, :)