platformsh / legacy-cli

This is the legacy version of's command-line interface. The new version is at:
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have platform build symlink locally for wordpress the same as drupal #577

Closed hanoii closed 6 years ago

hanoii commented 7 years ago

I am developing for a wordpress site on platform but coming from very used to drupal I miss a few things that I'd think it should be easy/good to implement.

wp-config.php, plugins and themes are copied by platform build instead of symlinked (which should happen locally only), which means that you have to platform build on every change.

Drupal, on the other hand, properly symlink both local modules and themes, so you can edit them and see the changes live on your local dev.

Would it be possible to improve this?

xtfer commented 6 years ago

This actually comes from the project, not the CLI. I'm assuming you've copied from our WordPress composer starter project, so the relevant code is in If you have a better solution, please open a PR against that project so we can improve it for everyone. :)