platformsh / platformify

Get your project ready to be deployed in
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platformify indicates both a file and .platform/applications.yaml are created, but they're not #220

Open gilzow opened 7 months ago

gilzow commented 7 months ago

Ran platform project:init on a project recently. After selecting python as the runtime, setting the project name, and selecting my services (postgresql and redis), the ending message told me that it had created not only a file, but also an applications.yaml file inside of .platform. However, it did not actually generate the applications.yaml file.

❯ platform project:init
What language is your project using? We support the following: [Python]
✓ Detected dependency managers: Pipenv
Tell us your project's application name: [classquiz]
We’re almost done...  =(^.^)=
Select all the services you are using: [PostgreSQL, Redis]

│   CONGRATULATIONS!                                │
│                                                   │
│   We have created the following files for your:   │
│     - .environment                                │
│     -                          │
│     - .platform/services.yaml                     │
│     - .platform/routes.yaml                       │
│     - .platform/applications.yaml                 │
│                                                   │
│   We’re jumping for joy! ⍢                        │
❯ ls -al .platform
total 16
drwxr-xr-x   4 gilzow  staff   128 Apr 25 14:47 .
drwxr-xr-x  44 gilzow  staff  1408 Apr 25 15:08 ..
-rw-r--r--   1 gilzow  staff   439 Apr 25 14:47 routes.yaml
-rw-r--r--   1 gilzow  staff   484 Apr 25 14:47 services.yaml

Platform version:

❯ platform version CLI 5.0.12