plathrop / puppet-module-supervisor

Puppet module for configuring the supervisor daemon tool.
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
6 stars 0 forks source link

Alternate package sources #49

Closed hamsolodev closed 9 years ago

hamsolodev commented 11 years ago

I’d like to talk about how support could be added for using alternative sources of supervisor.

The version shipped as a package with ubuntu/debian (3.0a8) doesn’t have support for the killasgroup (added in 3.0a11) & stopasgroup (added in 3.0b1) options, which are necessary in order to make some supervised python services stop/exit cleanly.

I have considered simply making my own package and installing it before declaring my use of supervisor, but I would also quite like the ability to be able to tell puppet-module-supervisor to install supervisor using—for example, although greater flexibility would be nice—the pip provider. Would this be something anyone else needs or would it be a waste of time?


andyshinn commented 11 years ago

I wouldn't mind having the same functionality. For the separate RPM method (I built my own 3.0 RPM) I use the require metaparam and it works OK:

yumrepo { 'temprepo':
  baseurl => 'http://my.repo.url/repo",
  descr => 'My Repo',
  enabled => '1',

class { 'supervisor':
  require => Yumrepo['temprepo'],

Have you seen the other supervisor module someone created for a similar issue? I wonder if that user would like to combine efforts into a single supervisor module? I hate seeing multiple Puppet modules with similar goals duplicating effort.

philfreo commented 11 years ago

+1 for being able to install via pip and specifying a version.

philfreo commented 11 years ago

I got the latest version (3.0) of Supervisor installed on Ubuntu 12.04 with this module by wrapping it in my own class, like this:

class our_supervisor {

  package { 'supervisor':
    provider => pip,
    ensure  => '3.0',
  class { 'supervisor':
    # Include the 'supervisor' module but only after we've already 
    # installed our desired version via pip first (since otherwise the
    # module would only look at the latest apt-get version).
    require => Package['supervisor']

  file {
      source => 'puppet:///modules/our_supervisor/supervisor.init',
      ensure => file,
      mode   => 0755,
      group  => "root",
      owner  => "root",
      before => Class['supervisor'];
      source => 'puppet:///modules/our_supervisor/supervisor.default',
      ensure => file,
      mode   => 0644,
      group  => "root",
      owner  => "root",
      before => Class['supervisor'];

    # currently the 'supervisor' module expects these files to be in 
    # /usr/bin/, however when installed via pip, they go in /usr/local/bin/
      before => Class['supervisor'],
      ensure => 'link',
      target => '/usr/local/bin/echo_supervisord_conf';
      before => Class['supervisor'],
      ensure => 'link',
      target => '/usr/local/bin/supervisorctl';
      before => Class['supervisor'],
      ensure => 'link',
      target => '/usr/local/bin/supervisord';


Since the pip version doesn't include the init.d/upstart script, I pulled a copy of the files from an older version installed via apt-get. The contents are here:

It would be great to see functionality like this built into the module.

plathrop commented 10 years ago

I'd definitely merge a patch for this.

plathrop commented 9 years ago

Closing due to lack of activity