platinummonkey / go-concurrency-limits

Go implementation of Netflix/concurrency-limits
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No examples tell me how to use LookupPartitionStrategy&PredicatePartitionStrategy #109

Open xiaofeige opened 1 year ago

xiaofeige commented 1 year ago

any examples?
why partitions cann't not be group by grpc method?

platinummonkey commented 1 year ago

You might look at the tests for current examples:

The per method is interesting. Currently this applies to all methods but could easily obtain the method name (and context args for something even more custom) with your own interceptor. The per method name seems like a relatively good FR that can be generalized

xiaofeige commented 1 year ago

` func (i *InterceptorManager) GetAutoRateLimiter() lwp.ServerInterceptor {

emptyLimitFunc := func(ctx context.Context, req *msgpack.ArgsCodec, info *lwp.ServerInfo, handler lwp.UnaryHandler) (resp interface{}, err error) {
    return handler(ctx, req)

if !fileConf.Config.FileServerSettting.StartAutoRateLimit {
    return emptyLimitFunc

partitions := make(map[string]*strategy.LookupPartition)
partitions["default"] = strategy.NewLookupPartitionWithMetricRegistry("default", 0.5, 100, limitCore.EmptyMetricRegistryInstance)
partitions["/r/Icon/genAutomaticIcon"] = strategy.NewLookupPartitionWithMetricRegistry("/r/Icon/genAutomaticIcon", 0.2, 10, limitCore.EmptyMetricRegistryInstance)

fileLimitStrategy, err := strategy.NewLookupPartitionStrategyWithMetricRegistry(
    func(ctx context.Context) string {
        rpcCtx, ok := lwputil.RpcContextFromContext(ctx)
        if !ok {
            return "default"

        if _, ok = partitions[rpcCtx.Url]; !ok {
            return "default"

        return rpcCtx.Url

tags := make([]string, 0)
autoLimiter, err := limiter.NewDefaultLimiterWithDefaults(

if err != nil || autoLimiter == nil {
    log.Logger.Errorf("create auto limiter err:%v", err)
    return emptyLimitFunc

go func() {
    for {
        time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
        log.Logger.Infof("[rate_limit_state]: %s estimate:%d", autoLimiter.String(), autoLimiter.EstimatedLimit())

classifyRspCode := func(url string, err error) string {
    if err == nil {
        return "success"

    lwpStat, ok := err.(*status.LwpStatus)
    if !ok {
        log.Logger.Infof("convert lwp error failed, err:%T", err)
        return "ignore"

    if lwpStat.LwpCode() == 408 || lwpStat.LwpCode() >= 500 {
        return "drop"

    return "ignore"

return func(ctx context.Context, args *msgpack.ArgsCodec, info *lwp.ServerInfo, handler lwp.UnaryHandler) (resp interface{}, err error) {

    rpcCtx, ok := lwputil.RpcContextFromContext(ctx)
    if !ok {
        return nil, status.NewLwpBadRequestErrorWithScope(status.LwpDefaultLang, lwputil.BizCodeRpcContextMissing,
            "RpcContext_empty", "", lwputil.GetBizScope("AuthInterceptor"))

    token, ok := autoLimiter.Acquire(ctx)
    if !ok {
        log.LogFmt.CommonErrorLog(ctx, "rate_limit", fmt.Errorf("auto_rate_limit"), map[string]interface{}{
            "uid": rpcCtx.Uid,
            "did": rpcCtx.Did,
        return nil, status.NewLwpBadRequestErrorWithScope(status.LwpDefaultLang, fmt.Sprint(types.ErrTooManyRequest),
            "服务繁忙,请稍后重试", "", lwputil.GetBizScope("AuthInterceptor"))
    defer func() {
        rspType := classifyRspCode(rpcCtx.Url, err)

        switch rspType {
        case "success":
        case "ignore":
        case "drop":

    return handler(ctx, args)

} `

this is how I code, but it seems like the token wasn't released correctly. In my presure test, all the request will be forbinden finally, and it won't recover unless I restart the server, even if I stop the presure test for a long time.
