Closed viriatusX closed 7 months ago
👋 @viriatusX
The last time I tried cf workers, everything was working as expected:
Could you please share more of your setup?
Hi @ruslandoga
All statistics are displayed correctly, except the Map with the country / region / city of the visitors. It does not show anything. When I deactivate the Worker, everything works perfectly.
I have Plausible with Nginx Proxy Manager (without additional HTTP headers.
I have the Plausible domain as "Proxied".
I have tried with Plausible remote:
iex> Plausible.Geo.lookup("")
And it shows the country and everything ok.
The problem is that it is not reflected in the UI.
Would you be able to share your configuration files, including nginx, worker scripts, and anything else that seems relevant?
You can also trace the incoming request to see what headers are included with recon_trace. There have been several discussions where it helped resolve IP geo location issues. etc. (you can search for others using parts of that code snippet)
I have executed this inside Plausible remote. But I don't know how to check it with my domain. Sorry.
iex> headers = fn {:trace, _pid, :call, {_mod, _fun, [%Plug.Conn{req_headers: headers}]}} -> inspect(headers) end
iex> mod_fun_args = {PlausibleWeb.RemoteIp, :get, 1}
iex> how_many_times = 5
iex> :recon_trace.calls(mod_fun_args, how_many_times, formatter: headers)
My Worker Script is the same of yours (changing only my domain).
My Nginx conf for the Plausible domain:
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------
server {
set $forward_scheme http;
set $server "";
set $port 3998;
listen 80;
listen [::]:80;
listen 443 ssl http2;
listen [::]:443 ssl http2;
# Let's Encrypt SSL
include conf.d/include/letsencrypt-acme-challenge.conf;
include conf.d/include/ssl-ciphers.conf;
ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/npm-23/fullchain.pem;
ssl_certificate_key /etc/letsencrypt/live/npm-23/privkey.pem;
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header Connection $http_connection;
proxy_http_version 1.1;
access_log /data/logs/proxy-host-15_access.log proxy;
error_log /data/logs/proxy-host-15_error.log warn;
location / {
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header Connection $http_connection;
proxy_http_version 1.1;
# Proxy!
include conf.d/include/proxy.conf;
# Custom
include /data/nginx/custom/server_proxy[.]conf;
I execute Plausible GeoIP command with this IP, but in the UI not appear... with Workers enabled.
Ant the output for this command (in case it helps.)
I have executed this inside Plausible remote. But I don't know how to check it with my domain. Sorry.
You would need to visit your site which would make an /api/event
call. The traces would be printed in the console. Ideally, you'd run it both when the Worker is activated and when it's not.
All statistics are displayed correctly, except the Map with the country / region / city of the visitors. It does not show anything. When I deactivate the Worker, everything works perfectly.
I've re-read this now, and it's not clear what exactly is wrong, is the map empty or not displayed at all? Can you show screenshot for when the Worker is activated and when it's not?
If I access with an IP from Portugal:
With Worker
<img width="532" alt="Captura de pantalla 20" src="">
Without Worker
The map is not updated. The rest of the statistics work OK. If it was a /api/event problem, I think it would not show any statistics.
Great, then should help resolve it. Most likely, the X-Forwarded-For header or similar is dropped somewhere along the way. You can also trace Plausible.Geo.lookup
to see what exact IP address is used for the lookup of your Portugal request and what info it gets in return.
Great, then #3976 (comment) should help resolve it. Most likely, the X-Forwarded-For header or similar is dropped somewhere along the way. You can also trace
to see what exact IP address is used for the lookup of your Portugal request and what info it gets in return.
Thanks for your help. Forgive my clumsiness. I have executed this, but then I don't know how to continue.
iex> headers = fn {:trace, _pid, :call, {_mod, _fun, [%Plug.Conn{req_headers: headers}]}} -> inspect(headers) end
iex> mod_fun_args = {PlausibleWeb.RemoteIp, :get, 1}
iex> how_many_times = 5
iex> :recon_trace.calls(mod_fun_args, how_many_times, formatter: headers)
I have executed this, but then I don't know how to continue.
You would need to visit after you run these commands. The traces would be printed in the console. Ideally, you'd run it both when the Worker is activated and when it's not.
You can check the previous discussions I linked for more info :) E.g.
Sorry, on which console do I view the trace? The Plausible console does not show anything new.
If it doesn't show anything, then there are no requests reaching Plausible. Try running it with the Worker deactivated.
Neither... The Plausible remote console does not show anything new after executing these commands. And without Worker everything works fine. Strange.
Ok, I see. I guess you are on v2.1.0-rc.0? The module name changed from RemoteIp
to RemoteIP
in Please run this command instead :recon_trace.calls({PlausibleWeb.RemoteIP, :get, 1}, 10)
Thanks! now yes!
Please post the traces as code or text snippet. It would be easier to debug.
With Worker OFF
10:51:03.834035 <0.10238.0> 'Elixir.PlausibleWeb.RemoteIP':get(#{owner=><0.10238.0>, port=>80, private=>#{'Elixir.PlausibleWeb.Router'=>[], phoenix_view=>#{'_'=>'Elixir.PlausibleWeb.Api.ExternalView'}, plug_session_fetch=>done, plug_session=>#{}, before_send=>[#Fun<Elixir.Plug.Session.0.76384852>,#Fun<Elixir.Plug.Telemetry.0.54455629>], phoenix_endpoint=>'Elixir.PlausibleWeb.Endpoint', phoenix_action=>event, phoenix_layout=>#{'_'=>{'Elixir.PlausibleWeb.LayoutView',app}}, phoenix_controller=>'Elixir.PlausibleWeb.Api.ExternalController', phoenix_format=><<"json">>, phoenix_router=>'Elixir.PlausibleWeb.Router'}, scheme=>http, status=>nil, script_name=>[], state=>unset, host=><<"">>, cookies=>#{}, params=>#{}, '__struct__'=>'Elixir.Plug.Conn', halted=>false, assigns=>#{}, method=><<"POST">>, adapter=>{'Elixir.Plug.Cowboy.Conn',#{pid => <0.10237.0>,port => 80,
scheme => <<"http">>,version => 'HTTP/1.1',
path => <<"/api/event">>,
host => <<"">>,
peer => {{192,168,144,1},59938},
sock => {{192,168,144,2},8000},
bindings => #{},
ref => 'Elixir.PlausibleWeb.Endpoint.HTTP',
cert => undefined,
headers =>
#{<<"accept">> => <<"*/*">>,
<<"accept-encoding">> => <<"gzip, br">>,
<<"accept-language">> =>
<<"cdn-loop">> => <<"cloudflare">>,
<<"cf-ipcontinent">> => <<"EU">>,
<<"cf-ipcountry">> => <<"ES">>,
<<"cf-iplatitude">> => <<"41.39490">>,
<<"cf-iplongitude">> => <<"2.17560">>,
<<"cf-ray">> => <<"86f8fb147d571511-MAD">>,
<<"cf-region">> => <<"Catalonia">>,
<<"cf-region-code">> => <<"CT">>,
<<"cf-timezone">> => <<"Europe/Madrid">>,
<<"cf-visitor">> =>
<<"content-length">> => <<"74">>,
<<"content-type">> => <<"text/plain">>,
<<"host">> => <<"">>,
<<"origin">> => <<"">>,
<<"priority">> => <<"u=1, i">>,
<<"referer">> => <<"">>,
<<"sec-ch-ua">> =>
<<"\"Google Chrome\";v=\"123\", \"Not:A-Brand\";v=\"8\", \"Chromium\";v=\"123\"">>,
<<"sec-ch-ua-mobile">> => <<"?0">>,
<<"sec-ch-ua-platform">> => <<"\"macOS\"">>,
<<"sec-fetch-dest">> => <<"empty">>,
<<"sec-fetch-mode">> => <<"cors">>,
<<"sec-fetch-site">> => <<"same-site">>,
<<"user-agent">> =>
<<"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36">>,
<<"x-forwarded-for">> =>
<<"x-forwarded-proto">> => <<"https">>,
<<"x-forwarded-scheme">> => <<"https">>,
<<"x-real-ip">> => <<"">>},
method => <<"POST">>,qs => <<>>,
path_info => undefined,streamid => 1,
body_length => 74,has_body => true,
host_info => undefined}}, secret_key_base=><<"jMI5V6xYzyfwHSHhYnluvqHKa69CdX7XOyKeh925wAOrpaq7yaZLQEovqh2mJJrbnuXSGZ0k0rHY0VxaQ4Q//w==">>, body_params=>#{'__struct__'=>'Elixir.Plug.Conn.Unfetched', aspect=>body_params}, path_info=>[<<"api">>,<<"event">>], path_params=>#{}, query_params=>#{}, query_string=><<>>, remote_ip=>{192,168,144,1}, req_cookies=>#{}, req_headers=>[{<<"accept">>,<<"*/*">>},
{<<"accept-encoding">>,<<"gzip, br">>},
{<<"priority">>,<<"u=1, i">>},
<<"\"Google Chrome\";v=\"123\", \"Not:A-Brand\";v=\"8\", \"Chromium\";v=\"123\"">>},
<<"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36">>},
{<<"x-real-ip">>,<<"">>}], request_path=><<"/api/event">>, resp_body=>nil, resp_cookies=>#{}, resp_headers=>[{<<"cache-control">>,<<"max-age=0, private, must-revalidate">>},
With Worker ON
10:49:58.276958 <0.10200.0> 'Elixir.PlausibleWeb.RemoteIP':get(#{owner=><0.10200.0>, port=>80, private=>#{'Elixir.PlausibleWeb.Router'=>[], phoenix_view=>#{'_'=>'Elixir.PlausibleWeb.Api.ExternalView'}, plug_session_fetch=>done, plug_session=>#{}, before_send=>[#Fun<Elixir.Plug.Session.0.76384852>,#Fun<Elixir.Plug.Telemetry.0.54455629>], phoenix_endpoint=>'Elixir.PlausibleWeb.Endpoint', phoenix_action=>event, phoenix_layout=>#{'_'=>{'Elixir.PlausibleWeb.LayoutView',app}}, phoenix_controller=>'Elixir.PlausibleWeb.Api.ExternalController', phoenix_format=><<"json">>, phoenix_router=>'Elixir.PlausibleWeb.Router'}, scheme=>http, status=>nil, script_name=>[], state=>unset, host=><<"">>, cookies=>#{}, params=>#{}, '__struct__'=>'Elixir.Plug.Conn', halted=>false, assigns=>#{}, method=><<"POST">>, adapter=>{'Elixir.Plug.Cowboy.Conn',#{pid => <0.10199.0>,port => 80,
scheme => <<"http">>,version => 'HTTP/1.1',
path => <<"/api/event">>,
host => <<"">>,
peer => {{192,168,144,1},54410},
sock => {{192,168,144,2},8000},
bindings => #{},
ref => 'Elixir.PlausibleWeb.Endpoint.HTTP',
cert => undefined,
headers =>
#{<<"accept">> => <<"*/*">>,
<<"accept-encoding">> => <<"gzip">>,
<<"accept-language">> =>
<<"cdn-loop">> =>
<<"cloudflare; subreqs=1">>,
<<"cf-ew-via">> => <<"15">>,
<<"cf-ipcity">> => <<"El Astillero">>,
<<"cf-ipcontinent">> => <<"EU">>,
<<"cf-ipcountry">> => <<"ES">>,
<<"cf-iplatitude">> => <<"43.40160">>,
<<"cf-iplongitude">> => <<"-3.81530">>,
<<"cf-postal-code">> => <<"39610">>,
<<"cf-ray">> => <<"86f8f97ad3bb69eb-MAD">>,
<<"cf-region">> => <<"Cantabria">>,
<<"cf-region-code">> => <<"CB">>,
<<"cf-timezone">> => <<"Europe/Madrid">>,
<<"cf-visitor">> =>
<<"cf-worker">> =>
<<"content-length">> => <<"125">>,
<<"content-type">> => <<"text/plain">>,
<<"host">> => <<"">>,
<<"origin">> => <<"">>,
<<"priority">> => <<"u=3, i">>,
<<"referer">> => <<"">>,
<<"sec-fetch-dest">> => <<"empty">>,
<<"sec-fetch-mode">> => <<"cors">>,
<<"sec-fetch-site">> => <<"cross-site">>,
<<"user-agent">> =>
<<"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/17.4.1 Safari/605.1.15">>,
<<"x-forwarded-for">> =>
<<"x-forwarded-proto">> => <<"https">>,
<<"x-forwarded-scheme">> => <<"https">>,
<<"x-real-ip">> => <<"">>},
method => <<"POST">>,qs => <<>>,
path_info => undefined,streamid => 1,
body_length => 125,has_body => true,
host_info => undefined}}, secret_key_base=><<"jMI5V6xYzyfwHSHhYnluvqHKa69CdX7XOyKeh925wAOrpaq7yaZLQEovqh2mJJrbnuXSGZ0k0rHY0VxaQ4Q//w==">>, body_params=>#{'__struct__'=>'Elixir.Plug.Conn.Unfetched', aspect=>body_params}, path_info=>[<<"api">>,<<"event">>], path_params=>#{}, query_params=>#{}, query_string=><<>>, remote_ip=>{192,168,144,1}, req_cookies=>#{}, req_headers=>[{<<"accept">>,<<"*/*">>},
{<<"cdn-loop">>,<<"cloudflare; subreqs=1">>},
{<<"cf-ipcity">>,<<"El Astillero">>},
{<<"priority">>,<<"u=3, i">>},
<<"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/17.4.1 Safari/605.1.15">>},
{<<"x-real-ip">>,<<"">>}], request_path=><<"/api/event">>, resp_body=>nil, resp_cookies=>#{}, resp_headers=>[{<<"cache-control">>,<<"max-age=0, private, must-revalidate">>},
are completely different. Are both of these your own requests or real users? Either way, Plausible is picking the first IP address in the x-forwarded-for
list, which is different from x-real-ip
(whatever it is) which is the last element in the x-forwarded-for
list. According to, the client IP address is the first element in the list, so Plausible is correct, at least according to Wikipedia.
Yes. I tried again:
11:4:44.229315 <0.10633.0> 'Elixir.PlausibleWeb.RemoteIP':get(#{owner=><0.10633.0>, port=>80, private=>#{'Elixir.PlausibleWeb.Router'=>[], phoenix_view=>#{'_'=>'Elixir.PlausibleWeb.Api.ExternalView'}, plug_session_fetch=>done, plug_session=>#{}, before_send=>[#Fun<Elixir.Plug.Session.0.76384852>,#Fun<Elixir.Plug.Telemetry.0.54455629>], phoenix_endpoint=>'Elixir.PlausibleWeb.Endpoint', phoenix_action=>event, phoenix_layout=>#{'_'=>{'Elixir.PlausibleWeb.LayoutView',app}}, phoenix_controller=>'Elixir.PlausibleWeb.Api.ExternalController', phoenix_format=><<"json">>, phoenix_router=>'Elixir.PlausibleWeb.Router'}, scheme=>http, status=>nil, script_name=>[], state=>unset, host=><<"">>, cookies=>#{}, params=>#{}, '__struct__'=>'Elixir.Plug.Conn', halted=>false, assigns=>#{}, method=><<"POST">>, adapter=>{'Elixir.Plug.Cowboy.Conn',#{pid => <0.10632.0>,port => 80,
scheme => <<"http">>,version => 'HTTP/1.1',
path => <<"/api/event">>,
host => <<"">>,
peer => {{192,168,144,1},60416},
sock => {{192,168,144,2},8000},
bindings => #{},
ref => 'Elixir.PlausibleWeb.Endpoint.HTTP',
cert => undefined,
headers =>
#{<<"accept">> => <<"*/*">>,
<<"accept-encoding">> => <<"gzip, br">>,
<<"accept-language">> =>
<<"cdn-loop">> => <<"cloudflare">>,
<<"cf-ipcontinent">> => <<"EU">>,
<<"cf-ipcountry">> => <<"ES">>,
<<"cf-iplatitude">> => <<"41.39490">>,
<<"cf-iplongitude">> => <<"2.17560">>,
<<"cf-ray">> => <<"86f90f1c0af68686-MAD">>,
<<"cf-region">> => <<"Catalonia">>,
<<"cf-region-code">> => <<"CT">>,
<<"cf-timezone">> => <<"Europe/Madrid">>,
<<"cf-visitor">> =>
<<"content-length">> => <<"74">>,
<<"content-type">> => <<"text/plain">>,
<<"host">> => <<"">>,
<<"origin">> => <<"">>,
<<"priority">> => <<"u=3, i">>,
<<"referer">> => <<"">>,
<<"sec-fetch-dest">> => <<"empty">>,
<<"sec-fetch-mode">> => <<"cors">>,
<<"sec-fetch-site">> => <<"same-site">>,
<<"user-agent">> =>
<<"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/17.0 Safari/605.1.15">>,
<<"x-forwarded-for">> =>
<<"x-forwarded-proto">> => <<"https">>,
<<"x-forwarded-scheme">> => <<"https">>,
<<"x-real-ip">> => <<"">>},
method => <<"POST">>,qs => <<>>,
path_info => undefined,streamid => 1,
body_length => 74,has_body => true,
host_info => undefined}}, secret_key_base=><<"jMI5V6xYzyfwHSHhYnluvqHKa69CdX7XOyKeh925wAOrpaq7yaZLQEovqh2mJJrbnuXSGZ0k0rHY0VxaQ4Q//w==">>, body_params=>#{'__struct__'=>'Elixir.Plug.Conn.Unfetched', aspect=>body_params}, path_info=>[<<"api">>,<<"event">>], path_params=>#{}, query_params=>#{}, query_string=><<>>, remote_ip=>{192,168,144,1}, req_cookies=>#{}, req_headers=>[{<<"accept">>,<<"*/*">>},
{<<"accept-encoding">>,<<"gzip, br">>},
{<<"priority">>,<<"u=3, i">>},
<<"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/17.0 Safari/605.1.15">>},
{<<"x-real-ip">>,<<"">>}], request_path=><<"/api/event">>, resp_body=>nil, resp_cookies=>#{}, resp_headers=>[{<<"cache-control">>,<<"max-age=0, private, must-revalidate">>},
11:5:07.657798 <0.10637.0> 'Elixir.PlausibleWeb.RemoteIP':get(#{owner=><0.10637.0>, port=>80, private=>#{'Elixir.PlausibleWeb.Router'=>[], phoenix_view=>#{'_'=>'Elixir.PlausibleWeb.Api.ExternalView'}, plug_session_fetch=>done, plug_session=>#{}, before_send=>[#Fun<Elixir.Plug.Session.0.76384852>,#Fun<Elixir.Plug.Telemetry.0.54455629>], phoenix_endpoint=>'Elixir.PlausibleWeb.Endpoint', phoenix_action=>event, phoenix_layout=>#{'_'=>{'Elixir.PlausibleWeb.LayoutView',app}}, phoenix_controller=>'Elixir.PlausibleWeb.Api.ExternalController', phoenix_format=><<"json">>, phoenix_router=>'Elixir.PlausibleWeb.Router'}, scheme=>http, status=>nil, script_name=>[], state=>unset, host=><<"">>, cookies=>#{}, params=>#{}, '__struct__'=>'Elixir.Plug.Conn', halted=>false, assigns=>#{}, method=><<"POST">>, adapter=>{'Elixir.Plug.Cowboy.Conn',#{pid => <0.10636.0>,port => 80,
scheme => <<"http">>,version => 'HTTP/1.1',
path => <<"/api/event">>,
host => <<"">>,
peer => {{192,168,144,1},38690},
sock => {{192,168,144,2},8000},
bindings => #{},
ref => 'Elixir.PlausibleWeb.Endpoint.HTTP',
cert => undefined,
headers =>
#{<<"accept">> => <<"*/*">>,
<<"accept-encoding">> => <<"gzip">>,
<<"accept-language">> =>
<<"cdn-loop">> =>
<<"cloudflare; subreqs=1">>,
<<"cf-ew-via">> => <<"15">>,
<<"cf-ipcontinent">> => <<"EU">>,
<<"cf-ipcountry">> => <<"ES">>,
<<"cf-iplatitude">> => <<"41.39490">>,
<<"cf-iplongitude">> => <<"2.17560">>,
<<"cf-ray">> => <<"86f90fae53e85e5c-MAD">>,
<<"cf-region">> => <<"Catalonia">>,
<<"cf-region-code">> => <<"CT">>,
<<"cf-timezone">> => <<"Europe/Madrid">>,
<<"cf-visitor">> =>
<<"cf-worker">> =>
<<"content-length">> => <<"74">>,
<<"content-type">> => <<"text/plain">>,
<<"host">> => <<"">>,
<<"origin">> => <<"">>,
<<"priority">> => <<"u=3, i">>,
<<"referer">> => <<"">>,
<<"sec-fetch-dest">> => <<"empty">>,
<<"sec-fetch-mode">> => <<"cors">>,
<<"sec-fetch-site">> => <<"cross-site">>,
<<"user-agent">> =>
<<"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/17.0 Safari/605.1.15">>,
<<"x-forwarded-for">> =>
<<"x-forwarded-proto">> => <<"https">>,
<<"x-forwarded-scheme">> => <<"https">>,
<<"x-real-ip">> => <<"">>},
method => <<"POST">>,qs => <<>>,
path_info => undefined,streamid => 1,
body_length => 74,has_body => true,
host_info => undefined}}, secret_key_base=><<"jMI5V6xYzyfwHSHhYnluvqHKa69CdX7XOyKeh925wAOrpaq7yaZLQEovqh2mJJrbnuXSGZ0k0rHY0VxaQ4Q//w==">>, body_params=>#{'__struct__'=>'Elixir.Plug.Conn.Unfetched', aspect=>body_params}, path_info=>[<<"api">>,<<"event">>], path_params=>#{}, query_params=>#{}, query_string=><<>>, remote_ip=>{192,168,144,1}, req_cookies=>#{}, req_headers=>[{<<"accept">>,<<"*/*">>},
{<<"cdn-loop">>,<<"cloudflare; subreqs=1">>},
{<<"priority">>,<<"u=3, i">>},
<<"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/17.0 Safari/605.1.15">>},
{<<"x-real-ip">>,<<"">>}], request_path=><<"/api/event">>, resp_body=>nil, resp_cookies=>#{}, resp_headers=>[{<<"cache-control">>,<<"max-age=0, private, must-revalidate">>},
Do you know where x-forwarded-for
and x-real-ip
come from? One of them seems to be wrong. According to CloudFlare adds the client IP address (the real IP address) to the beginning of the list. And since Plausible is reading it from the beginning of the list, it's not a bug in Plausible.
Past Issues Searched
Issue is a Bug Report
Using official Plausible Cloud hosting or self-hosting?
Describe the bug
When you enable the Plausible method with Cloudflare workers ( It does not update the visitors' country map in the UI.
Expected behavior
Plausible should update the UI, the visitor map by country, by having CloudFlare workers enabled.
No response
No response