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Implement Facebook Analytics #221

Open oodavid opened 9 years ago

oodavid commented 9 years ago

Finally got round to going through the Facebook F8 conference videos and noticed a couple of great videos on Facebook Analytics.

F8 Video List Implementing and Understanding Facebook Analytics for Apps Build Better Experiences with Facebook Analytics for Apps

I've not as far as writing a hello-world application, nor checking the capabilities of the devkit addon (I'm in the middle of the second video), so I'll try to keep this "issue" active - it might be that you simply close it down as redundant!

oodavid commented 9 years ago

My Observations

oodavid commented 9 years ago

So I've combed through the differences between the 3 platforms and compiled them into the tables below.

I've focussed on the fact that Javascript has 12 events while iOS/Android has 14, the events that are missing from Javascript are ACTIVATED_APP and PURCHASED. At first this appears debilitating, however I think that it might be a legacy thing with iOS/Android. All three expose methods for:

With this in mind, the missing "events" (ACTIVATED_APP and PURCHASED) appear to be bundled up into the methods activateApp and logPurchase. I guess there might be use-cases where a developer might want to manually call these via logEvent but it's not documented and I can't think of any.


Javascript                | iOS                                     | Android                            | valueToSum                            | Parameters
FB.AppEvents.EventNames.  |                                         | AppEventsConstants.                |                                       |
ACHIEVED_LEVEL            | FBSDKAppEventNameAchievedLevel          | EVENT_NAME_ACHIEVED_LEVEL          |                                       | Level
                          | FBSDKAppEventNameActivatedApp           | EVENT_NAME_ACTIVATED_APP           |                                       |
ADDED_PAYMENT_INFO        | FBSDKAppEventNameAddedPaymentInfo       | EVENT_NAME_ADDED_PAYMENT_INFO      |                                       | Success
ADDED_TO_CART             | FBSDKAppEventNameAddedToCart            | EVENT_NAME_ADDED_TO_CART           | Price of item added                   | ContentType, ContentID, Currency
ADDED_TO_WISHLIST         | FBSDKAppEventNameAddedToWishlist        | EVENT_NAME_ADDED_TO_WISHLIST       | Price of item added                   | ContentType, ContentID, Currency
COMPLETED_REGISTRATION    | FBSDKAppEventNameCompletedRegistration  | EVENT_NAME_COMPLETED_REGISTRATION  |                                       | RegistrationMethod
COMPLETED_TUTORIAL        | FBSDKAppEventNameCompletedTutorial      | EVENT_NAME_COMPLETED_TUTORIAL      |                                       | Success, ContentID
INITIATED_CHECKOUT        | FBSDKAppEventNameInitiatedCheckout      | EVENT_NAME_INITIATED_CHECKOUT      | Total price of items in cart          | ContentType, ContentID, NumItems, PaymentInfoAvailable, Currency
                          | FBSDKAppEventNamePurchased              | EVENT_NAME_PURCHASED               | purchase price                        | NumItems, ContentType, ContentID, Currency
RATED                     | FBSDKAppEventNameRated                  | EVENT_NAME_RATED                   | Rating given                          | ContentType, ContentID, MaxRatingValue
SEARCHED                  | FBSDKAppEventNameSearched               | EVENT_NAME_SEARCHED                |                                       | ContentType, SearchString, Success
SPENT_CREDITS             | FBSDKAppEventNameSpentCredits           | EVENT_NAME_SPENT_CREDITS           | Total value of credits spent          | ContentType, ContentID
UNLOCKED_ACHIEVEMENT      | FBSDKAppEventNameUnlockedAchievement    | EVENT_NAME_UNLOCKED_ACHIEVEMENT    |                                       | Description
VIEWED_CONTENT            | FBSDKAppEventNameViewedContent          | EVENT_NAME_VIEWED_CONTENT          | Price of item viewed (if applicable)  | ContentType, ContentID, Currency


Javascript                    | iOS                                             | Android                             | Possible Values  | Description
FB.AppEvents.ParameterNames.  |                                                 | AppEventsConstants.                 |                  |
CONTENT_ID                    | FBSDKAppEventParameterNameContentID             | EVENT_PARAM_CONTENT_ID              | string           | International Article Number (EAN) when applicable, or other product or content identifier
CONTENT_TYPE                  | FBSDKAppEventParameterNameContentType           | EVENT_PARAM_CONTENT_TYPE            | string           | For example music, video, or product description
CURRENCY                      | FBSDKAppEventParameterNameCurrency              | EVENT_PARAM_CURRENCY                | string           | ISO 4217 code, e.g., "EUR", "USD", "JPY"
DESCRIPTION                   | FBSDKAppEventParameterNameDescription           | EVENT_PARAM_DESCRIPTION             | string           | A string description
LEVEL                         | FBSDKAppEventParameterNameLevel                 | EVENT_PARAM_LEVEL                   | string           | Player's Level (also described as "Level of a game", slightly confusing)
MAX_RATING_VALUE              | FBSDKAppEventParameterNameMaxRatingValue        | EVENT_PARAM_MAX_RATING_VALUE        | int              | Upper bounds of a rating scale, for example 5 on a 5 star scale
NUM_ITEMS                     | FBSDKAppEventParameterNameNumItems              | EVENT_PARAM_NUM_ITEMS               | int              | Number of items
PAYMENT_INFO_AVAILABLE        | FBSDKAppEventParameterNamePaymentInfoAvailable  | EVENT_PARAM_PAYMENT_INFO_AVAILABLE  | '1' or '0'       | 1 for yes, 0 for no
REGISTRATION_METHOD           | FBSDKAppEventParameterNameRegistrationMethod    | EVENT_PARAM_REGISTRATION_METHOD     | string           | Facebook, Email, Twitter, etc.
SEARCH_STRING                 | FBSDKAppEventParameterNameSearchString          | EVENT_PARAM_SEARCH_STRING           | string           | The text string that was searched for
SUCCESS                       | FBSDKAppEventParameterNameSuccess               | EVENT_PARAM_SUCCESS                 | '1' or '0'       | 1 for yes, 0 for no
oodavid commented 9 years ago

Implementation Thoughts

I've realised that since games may be deployed to iOS, Android, web or Facebook canvas that there are two choices in how to "activateApp" (and "deactivateApp" in the case of Android):

1 - Assume all games using the plugin should have AppEvents active by default, therefore handle activateApp and deactivateApp within the native implementations. This would be my preferred approach.

2 - Assume the developer wants to manually implement AppEvents, thus activateApp and deactivateApp should originate from the game source code, like so:

if(FB.AppEvents){'resume', function(){ FB.AppEvents.activateApp();   });'pause', function(){  FB.AppEvents.deactivateApp(); });

Having had a bit of a look around, I favour #1, just turn it on for everyone, there's very little downside that I can see to having this active by default.

I've had no luck in accessing FB.AppEvents in the simulator, I'm unsure why, however it might be that it is only exposed to games that exist on Facebook Canvas.