play-co / devkit

HTML 5 game platform for browser and mobile
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android build on windows 8 #243

Open Pengeszikra opened 8 years ago

Pengeszikra commented 8 years ago

Hi i would like try gameclosure devkit to build android apk ( which i hope use GPU ) I work on windows 8 - java sdk, android sdk is work my machine, and i can build apk with cordova. But gameclosure give the following error:

$ devkit debug native-android [build] starting build at Sun Sep 06 2015 17:40:42 GMT+0200 (Central Europe Daylight Time) [apps] C:\cor\gcafs\manifest.json [devkit] [build] Prebuild phase completed for gcafs build for: native-android scheme: debug [devkit] --- start config --- appPath: C:\cor\gcafs debug: true scheme: debug target: native-android imports: schemePath: build\debug outputPath: C:\cor\gcafs\build\debug\native-android jsioPath: clientPaths: sdkVersion: 3.1.0 isTestApp: undefined isSimulated: undefined simulator: deviceId: undefined deviceType: undefined deviceInfo: {} port: undefined modules: [] spriteImages: true ip: localServerURL: serverName: local outputResourcePath: C:\cor\gcafs\build\debug\native-android\assets\resources studio: version: debug compress: false appID: 4dc76036c62b48d2bdc41db370d68f17 localBuildPath: build\debug\native-android bundleID: packageName: isAndroid: true repack: false enableLogging: false resourcesOnly: false directories: 0: {"src":"C:\cor\gcafs\resources","target":"resources"} --- end config --- [native-resources] Writing resources for 4dc76036c62b48d2bdc41db370d68f17 with target native-android [jsio-compile] compiling import devkit.native.launchClient jsio_compile "import devkit.native.launchClient, util.syntax" --cwd "C:\cor\gcafs" --environment "native" --path "[\"C:\cor\gcafs\modules\devkit-core\node_modules\jsio\packages\",\".\",\"lib\",\"modules\devkit-core\src\clientapi\api\",\"modules\devkit-core\modules\timestep\src\"]" --includeJsio "true" --appendImport "false" --debug "4" --pathCache "{\"devkit\":\"modules\devkit-core\src\clientapi\",\"squill\":\"modules\devkit-core\modules\squill\"}" --compressorCachePath "build\debug.js-cache-native-android" --defines "{\"BUILD_TARGET\":\"native-android\",\"BUILD_ENV\":\"native\",\"DEBUG\":true}" --printOutput --gcManifest "C:\cor\gcafs\manifest.json" --gcDebug "true" --preprocessors "[\"cls\",\"logger\"]" [spriter] spriter --no-clean --cache-file "spritercache-9f41a0391248a2338a53cf19143276e3" --scale "1" --dir "C:\cor\gcafs\resources/" --output "C:\cor\gcafs\build\debug\native-android\assets\resources\spritesheets" --target "native-android" --binaries "undefined" --is-simulator "undefined" --spriter-png-fallback "false" LOG .imports Including native runtime. [jvmtools] connected to localhost:49373 [native-resources] writing 4 files to C:\cor\gcafs\build\debug\native-android\assets\resources [ndk-build] ndk-build -j 8 DEBUG=1 events.js:85 throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event ^ Error: spawn ndk-build ENOENT at exports._errnoException (util.js:746:11) at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (child_process.js:1053:32) at child_process.js:1144:20 at process._tickCallback (node.js:355:11)

how can i fix this ?