playcanvas / editor

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Clicking on lightmap bake button causes auto-unwrap-worker.js to download JSON model each time #645

Open yaustar opened 2 years ago

yaustar commented 2 years ago

This is a weird one. I can't reproduce easily in a new project with a smaller model from Kenney.

In this private project owned by me:

Clicking on the light mapper button causes the auto-unwrap-worker.js to download a JSON model that is in the scene each time regardless if it's enabled or not.

The lightmapper doesn't bake until the JSON model is downloaded which at times (if network is slow or I've clicked on it many times) makes it look like the lightmapper is not working.

I didn't realise this till later after I downloaded several GBs worth on this model 😅


yaustar commented 2 years ago

I also noted that the URL for the JSON file didn't include the branch param which could be a problem?

In the video, I'm in a different branch to master so perhaps it's always downloading because the unwrap is performed on the master branch asset, not the current branch.