playcanvas / engine

JavaScript game engine built on WebGL, WebGPU, WebXR and glTF
MIT License
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WebGPU Support #3986

Open mvaligursky opened 2 years ago

mvaligursky commented 2 years ago

This is the root ticket of WebGPU Implementation, and will be updated regularly to keep it up to date with new issues to work on and the work done.

For live preview, visit the url on up to date Chrome:

Class layout overview

// base platform independent class
class VertexBuffer {
    impl = null;   // platform dependent implementation (WebglVertexBuffer or WebgpuVertexBuffer)

Refactorings The engine will undergo extensive refactoring, to more natively and with better performance support WebGPU API.



Partial list of missing features:

erikdubbelboer commented 1 month ago

@mvaligursky is now running the WebGPU enabled build of PlayCanvas. At Poki we capture erros, so I'm seeing a bunch of WebGPU related errors now. Would you like me to create separate issues for those or maybe just post comments for them here? The errors all affect less than 1% of the players, so if you don't have time you can also ignore them. I have some stack traces and device/browser information with them as well.

These are the most occurring error messages:

console.error: ["Failed to link shader program. 'tex2Dgrad': no matching 2 parameter intrinsic function
AbortError: Failed to execute 'mapAsync' on 'GPUBuffer': Device is lost
RangeError: Failed to execute 'createBuffer' on 'GPUDevice': createBuffer failed, size is too large for the implementation when mappedAtCreation == true
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'renderTarget')
Failed to transpile webgl vertex shader [Shader Id 3 LitShader-ShadowPass_1_0-proc] to WebGPU: [GLSL compilation failed] while rendering undefined
TypeError: a.vertexAttribDivisor is not a function (doesn't seem WebGPU related but only happens in this latest release)
mvaligursky commented 1 month ago

@erikdubbelboer - please create multiple issues on these with the details you have, keen to see what's going on.