playcanvas / engine

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Add support for picker with custom shader on pc.Material #5265

Closed yaustar closed 4 months ago

yaustar commented 1 year ago


Use example:

With the following code:

function example(canvas: HTMLCanvasElement, deviceType: string): void {

    const assets = {
        'bloom': new pc.Asset('bloom', 'script', { url: '/static/scripts/posteffects/posteffect-bloom.js' }),
        helipad: new pc.Asset('helipad-env-atlas', 'texture', { url: '/static/assets/cubemaps/helipad-env-atlas.png' }, { type: pc.TEXTURETYPE_RGBP }),

    const gfxOptions = {
        deviceTypes: [deviceType],
        glslangUrl: '/static/lib/glslang/glslang.js',
        twgslUrl: '/static/lib/twgsl/twgsl.js'

    pc.createGraphicsDevice(canvas, gfxOptions).then((device: pc.GraphicsDevice) => {

        const createOptions = new pc.AppOptions();
        createOptions.graphicsDevice = device;
        createOptions.mouse = new pc.Mouse(document.body);
        createOptions.touch = new pc.TouchDevice(document.body);

        createOptions.componentSystems = [
            // @ts-ignore
            // @ts-ignore
            // @ts-ignore
        createOptions.resourceHandlers = [
            // @ts-ignore
            // @ts-ignore

        const app = new pc.AppBase(canvas);

        // Set the canvas to fill the window and automatically change resolution to be the same as the canvas size

        const vShader = `
            attribute vec3 aPosition;
            attribute vec2 aUv0;

            uniform mat4 matrix_model;
            uniform mat4 matrix_viewProjection;

            varying vec2 vUv0;

            void main(void)
                vUv0 = aUv0;
                gl_Position = matrix_viewProjection * matrix_model * vec4(aPosition, 1.0);

        const fShader = `
            precision ${app.graphicsDevice.precision} float;

            varying vec2 vUv0;

            uniform sampler2D uDiffuseMap;
            uniform vec3 uColor;

            void main(void)
                gl_FragColor.rgb = uColor;
                gl_FragColor.a = 1.0;

        const shaderDefinition = {
            attributes: {
                aPosition: pc.gfx.SEMANTIC_POSITION,
                aUv0: pc.gfx.SEMANTIC_TEXCOORD0
            vshader: vShader,
            fshader: fShader

        const assetListLoader = new pc.AssetListLoader(Object.values(assets), app.assets);
        assetListLoader.load(() => {


            // setup skydome
            app.scene.skyboxMip = 2;
            app.scene.envAtlas = assets.helipad.resource;
            app.scene.skyboxIntensity = 0.1;

            // use a quarter resolution for picker render target (faster but less precise - can miss small objects)
            const pickerScale = 0.25;
            let mouseX = 0, mouseY = 0;

            // generate a box area with specified size of random primitives
            const size = 30;
            const halfSize = size * 0.5;
            for (let i = 0; i < 300; i++) {
                const shape = Math.random() < 0.5 ? "cylinder" : "sphere";
                const position = new pc.Vec3(Math.random() * size - halfSize, Math.random() * size - halfSize, Math.random() * size - halfSize);
                const scale = 1 + Math.random();
                const entity = createPrimitive(shape, position, new pc.Vec3(scale, scale, scale));

            // handle mouse move event and store current mouse position to use as a position to pick from the scene
            new pc.Mouse(document.body).on(pc.EVENT_MOUSEMOVE, function (event: any) {
                mouseX = event.x;
                mouseY = event.y;
            }, this);

            // Create an instance of the picker class
            // Lets use quarter of the resolution to improve performance - this will miss very small objects, but it's ok in our case
            const picker = new pc.Picker(app, canvas.clientWidth * pickerScale, canvas.clientHeight * pickerScale);

            // helper function to create a primitive with shape type, position, scale
            function createPrimitive(primitiveType: string, position: pc.Vec3, scale: pc.Vec3) {
                // create material of random color
                const material = new pc.Material();
                material.shader = new pc.Shader(app.graphicsDevice, shaderDefinition);
                material.setParameter('uColor', [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]);

                // create primitive
                const primitive = new pc.Entity();
                primitive.addComponent('render', {
                    type: primitiveType,
                    material: material

                // set position and scale

                return primitive;

            // Create main camera
            const camera = new pc.Entity();
            camera.addComponent("camera", {
                clearColor: new pc.Color(0.1, 0.1, 0.1)

            // add bloom postprocessing (this is ignored by the picker)
            camera.script.create("bloom", {
                attributes: {
                    bloomIntensity: 1,
                    bloomThreshold: 0.7,
                    blurAmount: 4

            // function to draw a 2D rectangle in the screen space coordinates
            function drawRectangle(x: number, y: number, w: number, h: number) {

                const pink = new pc.Color(1, 0.02, 0.58);

                // transform 4 2D screen points into world space
                const pt0 =, y, 1);
                const pt1 = + w, y, 1);
                const pt2 = + w, y + h, 1);
                const pt3 =, y + h, 1);

                // and connect them using white lines
                const points = [pt0, pt1, pt1, pt2, pt2, pt3, pt3, pt0];
                const colors = [pink, pink, pink, pink, pink, pink, pink, pink];
                app.drawLines(points, colors);

            // sets material emissive color to specified color
            function highlightMaterial(material: pc.Material, color: number[]) {
                material.setParameter('uColor', color);  

            // array of highlighted materials
            const highlights: pc.Material[] = [];

            // update each frame
            let time = 0;
            app.on("update", function (dt: number) {

                time += dt * 0.1;

                // orbit the camera around
                if (!camera) {

                camera.setLocalPosition(40 * Math.sin(time), 0, 40 * Math.cos(time));

                // turn all previously highlighted meshes to black at the start of the frame
                for (let h = 0; h < highlights.length; h++) {
                    highlightMaterial(highlights[h], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]);
                highlights.length = 0;

                // Make sure the picker is the right size, and prepare it, which renders meshes into its render target
                if (picker) {
                    picker.resize(canvas.clientWidth * pickerScale, canvas.clientHeight * pickerScale);
                    picker.prepare(, app.scene);

                // areas we want to sample - two larger rectangles, one small square, and one pixel at a mouse position
                // assign them different highlight colors as well
                const areas = [
                        pos: new pc.Vec2(canvas.clientWidth * 0.3, canvas.clientHeight * 0.3),
                        size: new pc.Vec2(100, 200),
                        color: pc.Color.YELLOW
                        pos: new pc.Vec2(canvas.clientWidth * 0.6, canvas.clientHeight * 0.7),
                        size: new pc.Vec2(200, 20),
                        color: pc.Color.CYAN
                        pos: new pc.Vec2(canvas.clientWidth * 0.8, canvas.clientHeight * 0.3),
                        size: new pc.Vec2(5, 5),
                        color: pc.Color.MAGENTA
                        // area based on mouse position
                        pos: new pc.Vec2(mouseX, mouseY),
                        size: new pc.Vec2(1, 1),
                        color: pc.Color.RED

                // process all areas
                for (let a = 0; a < areas.length; a++) {
                    const areaPos = areas[a].pos;
                    const areaSize = areas[a].size;
                    const color = areas[a].color;

                    // display 2D rectangle around it
                    drawRectangle(areaPos.x, areaPos.y, areaSize.x, areaSize.y);

                    // get list of meshInstances inside the area from the picker
                    // this scans the pixels inside the render target and maps the id value stored there into meshInstances
                    const selection = picker.getSelection(areaPos.x * pickerScale, areaPos.y * pickerScale, areaSize.x * pickerScale, areaSize.y * pickerScale);

                    // process all meshInstances it found - highlight them to appropriate color for the area
                    for (let s = 0; s < selection.length; s++) {
                        if (selection[s]) {
                            const material = selection[s].material as pc.Material;
                            highlightMaterial(material, [1.0, 0.0, 0.0]);

Creates warnings:

mvaligursky commented 1 year ago

This is currently not supported unfortunately. For picker to work, the engine internally generates a variation of the fragment shader for each standard shader, but this is not supported for user specified shaders.

We could update Material class to keep an array of shaders, one per pass, like a standard material, to handle this. Alternatively, the user could use StandardMaterial, and override an emissive chunk to implement custom functionality, which would be picker compatible.

mvaligursky commented 4 months ago

ShaderMaterial supports this now, in the engine V2, and so I'll close this. See here: