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Create a ESM Script with attributes #6785

Open marklundin opened 5 days ago

marklundin commented 5 days ago

Scripts components have a create() method for instantiating scripts with attributes.

scripts.create('scriptName', { attributes: { myNum: 1 })`

This depends on an attribute schema existing. ESM Scripts use JSDoc tags for their schema which is unavailable in engine only environments, meaning attributes cannot be set on a script

For ESM scripts in engine only, properties must be set after a script is instantiated:

const script = scripts.create('scriptName')`
script.myNum = 1

Ideally properties can also be set in-line on a script instance, at the same time as it's created.

Possible solutions

1. Re-use attribute property

In the editor, a schema will exist, so it will be used to create the attributes, when it doesn't, the values are simply assigned as properties onto the script instance

scripts.create('scriptName', { attributes: { myNum: 1 }})

2. Separate method for engine only

Create a new method eg scripts.createWithProperties('scriptName', { myNum: 1 }) (TBD) that assigns values when instantiated

scripts.createWithProperties('scriptName', { myNum: 1 })

3. Create an additional property

Attributes are applied first if they and schema exist, and properties are then assigned after.

scripts.create('scriptName', { properties: { myNum: 1 }})

Any thoughts @mvaligursky @willeastcott @Maksims @slimbuck

mvaligursky commented 5 days ago

How about options 4:

marklundin commented 5 days ago

With scripts 2.0, create('script', {attributes}) will set those attributes according to the schema (resolve entities, map arrays to Vecs/Color etc) and not assign those without a schema. For ESM this would behave differently depending on whether a schema was present or not. This is confusing and could cause issues if you were instantiating a script from within a script (I believe @Maksims mentioned he does this?)

I think that attributes are separate from properties and should only be set if a schema exists

scripts.create('scriptName', { attributes: { myNum: 1 }}) // Warns if no schema exists
scripts.create('scriptName', { properties: { myNum: 1 }}) // Always assigns/copies regardless of attributes and/or schema
mvaligursky commented 5 days ago

Hey that makes sense.

So how about the engine users have access to scripts.create('scriptName', { properties: { myNum: 1 }})

and the Editor uses internal API scripts.createWithAttributes('scriptName', { attributes: { myNum: 1 }})

when the engine users pass attributes to .create function, it should error out. This would help them port code from 2.0 to ESM.

Regarding deep copy. That would still be great for Vec3 and similar types, but not for Entities and similar .. not sure what would be the best here.

marklundin commented 5 days ago

So how about the engine users have access to scripts.create('scriptName', { properties: { myNum: 1 }})

and the Editor uses internal API scripts.createWithAttributes('scriptName', { attributes: { myNum: 1 }})

This makes sense, but is't it more straightforward to have a single create('X', { attributes, properties }) with values both optional. If attributes exists without a schema it errors. If props exists then copy/assign.

Regarding deep copy, I feel we should provide options here as I can see many different valid use cases. Maybe you can optionally provide a function at the end, which defaults to Object.assign

function create(scriptName, { attributes, properties }, operation = Object.assign){}

And if you wanted to deep copy you just override

create("scriptName", { properties }, deepCopy)

At least then it's clear what's happening

mvaligursky commented 5 days ago

Single function is fine too I guess .. as long as when we don't have a schema, we Debug.warn or similar when the attributes are used, instead of just quietly ignoring them.

I don't like the extra parameter that handles cloning. That's equivalent of not cloning internally and just asking user to clone. They can do it on their side completely in that case. We either clone by default, or let them clone. Helpers are not needed?

marklundin commented 5 days ago

Single function is fine too I guess .. as long as when we don't have a schema, we Debug.warn or similar when the attributes are used, instead of just quietly ignoring them.

Yep agreed.

I don't like the extra parameter that handles cloning. That's equivalent of not cloning internally and just asking user to clone. They can do it on their side completely in that case. We either clone by default, or let them clone. Helpers are not needed?

Yep, but this would happen before initialize() so you can ensure things are setup. The rationale behind providing options is that users might want to shallow clone, or use something else, so it's it's better to give options whilst defaulting to the cheapest option?

So create becomes

create(name, { properties }, operation = Object.assign) {
   script = new Script(name)
   operation(script, properties)
mvaligursky commented 5 days ago

The user can clone properties any way it wants to before passing it to .create function. Not sure what the advantage is in cloning them for them within the function using a callback they provide?

create(name, operation( { properties} ));
marklundin commented 5 days ago

Yep, that's fair, if we don't clone internally and just make it clear that the properties are assigned

Maksims commented 5 days ago

The important aspect of this is how engine-only users can easily save/load attribute data from the entity's script component. Here is an example of ordinary script attributes on entity:

    "attrs": [
            "name": "vertex_position",
            "semantic": "POSITION"
            "name": "vertex_normal",
            "semantic": "NORMAL"
            "name": "vertex_uv0",
            "semantic": "TEXCOORD0"
            "name": "vertex_bone_index",
            "semantic": "BLENDINDICES"
    "vertex": 177287037,
    "fragment": 177287044,
    "textures": [
            "name": "texture_albedo",
            "asset": 182217219
    "depthTest": true,
    "depthWrite": true

And script 2.0 has this attribute definition:

CustomMaterial.attributes.add('vertex', { type: 'asset', assetType: 'shader' });
CustomMaterial.attributes.add('fragment', { type: 'asset', assetType: 'shader' });

CustomMaterial.attributes.add('depthTest', { type: 'boolean', default: true });
CustomMaterial.attributes.add('depthWrite', { type: 'boolean', default: true });

CustomMaterial.attributes.add('attrs', {
    type: 'json',
    array: true,
    schema: [{
        name: 'name',
        type: 'string'
    }, {
        name: 'semantic',
        type: 'string',
        enum: [
            { 'position': pc.SEMANTIC_POSITION },
            { 'normal': pc.SEMANTIC_NORMAL },
            { 'color': pc.SEMANTIC_COLOR },
            { 'uv0': pc.SEMANTIC_TEXCOORD0 },
            { 'blend-indices': pc.SEMANTIC_BLENDINDICES },
            { 'blend-weight': pc.SEMANTIC_BLENDWEIGHT },
            { '12': pc.SEMANTIC_ATTR12 },
            { '13': pc.SEMANTIC_ATTR13 },
            { '14': pc.SEMANTIC_ATTR14 },
            { '15': pc.SEMANTIC_ATTR15 }

CustomMaterial.attributes.add('textures', {
    type: 'json',
    array: true,
    schema: [{
        name: 'name',
        type: 'string'
    }, {
        name: 'asset',
        type: 'asset',
        assetType: 'texture'

Will the user be able to simply add script to entity and provide JSON as an attribute argument from above with a new system, and expect attributes to be in correct (by the schema) types?

marklundin commented 2 days ago

I'm oversimplifying here, but ignoring events + asset/entity resolution etc, the attribute system...

  1. Exposes class members to the editor
  2. Validates type

In an Engine only scenario, 1 is unnecessary. For 2, we should really lean on early in-editor type validation, so that type errors can be flagged before running. One issue with scripts.create(Class, { data }) is that the editor can't validate the data against the Class types. You lose any type information, whereas with something like scripts.add(new Class(data)) any type errors get flagged ahead-of-time in editor.

I'd need to check what the implications of this would be, but it feels like a valid option